Thursday, May 1, 2008


Alas, it is Thursday. Full day at work. The work comes at certain times. I produce the work as it comes in, and try to fill my head with positive affirmations and progress mentally while I am in lag time. Some-times taking a virtual lag shot or two in a and finishing a virtual game of pool in a virtual 3D world of pool is all I can do to keep from going nuts. There isn't enough to keep my mind active around here. Not enough to challenge me. I aspire for so much more. Of course, I could always pour on more busy work. I am looking for something more fulfilling. I am grateful for the position I am in. I can hold a steady job with steady hours that keeps me afloat while I pull the rest together.

I am really wanting to get my hands on Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. I can fill my head with ideas from that book during lag times.

Who knows, maybe I will figure out how to finance a way further my education online.

I didn't go for the burger special last night. A bit unusual for me. It is rare I stay for the movie, but I usually at least show up for the burger. Tonight is the second Sunset Thursday Concert.
I guess I will be attending that one. The last was pretty nice. I only kick myself for leaving too soon wanting some specific company that was reluctant to come out.

I keep wondering how I feel so alone in a world of millions.

I have about two hours before I get to go home and try to wind down.
I seem to be a bit spun up today.

I keep casting away fear and doubt.
I keep trying to fill my mind with the affirmations given to us all.
"Even the least among you can do all that I have done and even greater things."
I work to banish the doubt, have the faith, visualize what it is I am going for (not what I am afraid of), and going for it with the faith I can reach it. This is what I am learning. It is a great formula, and implementing it does not come without challenge. The challenge is worth rising to.

Rolling with the punches, rising to the challenge!

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