Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Back Blog Money Blowing Wednesday

I didn't write an entry, so I am relying on day old memories here.....

There was little work to be done, until I showed up at work. I was busy the entire time again.

I remember not having any cash for lunch and going next door to eat where they accepted credit cards with at $3 min order.

I started ordering a cheesseburger, then they got me for fries and a coke and ate a piece of bananna bread while I was wating for my burger (I was starving) and spent almost $9 on lunch.

After work, I went to the country club for a burger. $3.95 for burger and fries. I ordered a Newcastle Brown beer figuring it would be a bit more than I wanted to pay for it, and it wound up being $4! More than my buger and fries!

OK so this was not a frugal day at all. Far from it!

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