Monday, May 5, 2008

Busy Busy Monday

I have been busy since I arrived at work. There has been very little lag time at all.
I worked on getting things set up for a new group of people joining the company, processed outgoing mail twice, set up copy codes for agents joining the company, sent out an email of templates, swapped out some white pigs for some Hispanic Market pigs (promotional piggy banks) for one of the agents, put away all incoming faxes, and filled all the paper supplies. There are less than 15 minutes left in the work day.

I used to enjoy Monday night half priced pizza night at a restaurant that has since closed. I am thinking I may just start eating a quick snack and scheduling myself for work at the grocery store. I have got to get this debt pile paid down one way or another, and there are not many expenses I can cut. I don't have much that I can or am willing to sell. I am convinced though, I can get myself out of this debt. I am may just have start working a bit more in the evenings. I am not doing very good an convincing myself that is what I really want to do. I pretty much know that is what I need to do. I may just start working Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Evenings. We will see.

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