Friday, May 2, 2008

Restless Night

I had a restless night last night. I went out to the Country Club and saw the concert. It was alright. They played a few good songs and there was a nice party atmosphere there. Unfortunately, I didn't just kick back and relax. Of course not, I never do. I fumbled around trying to socialize and remember names of people I am just barely meeting. I wind up going up to my friend and talking with him. I got into philosophical with him while he was drunk on the liquid spirits. He looked me straight in the eyes only moments after throwing out all kinds of complements and told me I was the most arrogant man he has ever met and that he would find other ways to work and didn't want to ride with me. It really went through me. I never considered myself arrogant. I guess I came across as arrogant to him. It was the way he said it with such force and said that he has put up with so much crap from me. I was just blown away. I tell myself it was the alcohol talking. I refuse to believe that I am an arrogant man, though I must have come across as one. I will commit to my mind a verse that came to me that night (Gotta love Google) Proverbs 28:25 An arrogant man stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. I try to throw away the animosity, the hate, the hurt. It is a constant battle within. I have one side of me telling me all the true promises and to stand on those. I have another side of me that lets in the criticism. This is a battle that I think goes on within all of us. I focus on the power of the divine. I pray for peace, forgiveness, and atonement. I pray for more understanding. I will let this body be an antenna and channel the goodness from above, the goodness of Love. I sit here preparing to serve the others around me and opening my soul to my God. Peace be with us all.

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