Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy Tuesday

Well I was busy this Tuesday before I even got to work.

I woke up early and called to check up on my help at work and ended up in a long conversation and guiding through quite a bit.

I did take care of some house chores though. I also stopped to take care of another personal issue before work. The Dallas Morning News had gotten me to sign up for a good deal of a prepaid subscription at a discounted rate while even getting some store credit in the Wal-Mart they signed me up at. The subscription I had already paid for runs out towards the end of this month. So, I get an invoice that says on the bottom for your convenience your subscription will be automatically renewed at X$ (which was a different deal than I had originally been signed up for). I called the customer service line and sat on hold for I don't know how long and told them that the way I saw it there was a typo on the invoice...there was an extra y that didn't belong. The way it should read is "For our convenience, your subscription will automatically renew unless we are otherwise notified" They understood my point, were apologetic, but still trying to make a sale. I told them I was not interested and to please cancel my subscription at end of what has already been paid for. There was some mysterious leftover balance of 35 cents which I gladly had them donate to some school or something.

Moving right along, I went to work.

I helped someone with a fax they had difficulties with the day before and earlier today.

I helped with someone frustrated with the copier and the copier giving an error I had never seen before. I shut off the main power on the copier and turned it back on. It seemed to be working just fine. I told him to let me know if there were any more issues with it and I would be glad to call service. I never heard another peep about it.

I dealt with issues such as people complaining about an order I printed after they had approved my proof and just goofy errors where I would hit print and nothing would come out of the printer. It seemed to take forever to get the computer to shut down, eventually I held the power button. Even then, when I had restarted the problem remained. I figured it was a problem with the document and I recreated it and the problem went away.

I have less than ten minutes to close up here and go home to grab a bite to eat and get ready for my next post. 6:30 on the check stands at the grocery store.

Things seem fairly peaceful around here.

There is quite a stack for my boss to come into tomorrow.

I guess that's what happens when you show up to work only once or twice a week.

Well, I guess I am out of here.

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