Sunday, May 4, 2008

Already Sunday?!

The weekend flew by. I had company all weekend. I watched a couple of movies with my friends. I was a bit tired. I wasn't much of a great host. I pretty much slept quite a bit, but I did get a little house cleaning in. I didn't get out and do much. The weather was beautiful and would have been great to spend more time out in it. I did make it to church today. My pastor spoke like he was almost certain he was facing the end of his physical life here with worries of some medical stuff, but by the end I think he had a more optimistic view. (It is amazing the power of prayer) He does have some serious stuff he is fighting. He has already defied all kinds of odds. I along with the majority of the congregation and many others lift him and his family up in prayer. I know there is a flow of loving comforting healing. He will soon on a journey to see more doctors so they can do what that can do for him. A friend of mine was in a wreck yesterday. She is OK. I pray for her recovery in getting things back in order. Car wrecks involve negotiation, decision making, paperwork, and it seems that no one wins but the lawyers and repair shops. I guess the ones that survive without injury are truly winners as well. I pray for more peace and understanding between friends, more atonement, more love. I pray for more of Heaven on Earth. I visualise these beautiful things knowing our thoughts create our world.

I pray to be more grateful, more optimistic, more peaceful, more calm, more focused, more creative.
I pray to define more of my true niche in life, pray that I reach more people with comfort and understanding that surpasses all.

I guess I am in a prayerful mode today. "Pray without ceasing" I tell myself.

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