Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ho Hum. Twiddle Dee Dee!

Happy Wednesday! This Wednesday I got to work a full day at the day job after working till 9:30 PM last night. I was going to try to get my boss talked into opening in the morning, but he didn't go for it. He said he would be in around 10 AM. I was surprised that I really did well considering that I had less than 12 hours between shifts. (I did this constantly for a year without too much trouble, I dunno why I thought it would be a big deal, I think the main reason I was going to see if my boss wanted to open was to save a couple payroll hours for him) The weather was rainy, and I drove prayerfully and made it to work peacefully. I made it to work early. I got an email with some more of the information I needed to print up some brochures. I printed up some brochures and other materials for people joining the company. I am pretty much done with the initial packet for this new group with only the exception of two agents who have not turned in their info sheets.. I had a good salad for lunch about the time my boss showed up....just before noon. I heard the AOL "Goodbye" around 1:45 PM as he was packing up and getting ready to go out to another umpiring gig. I teased him and told him to watch out for those foul balls. Poor guy, he's been hit by three this season so far (he told me of the third one as I told him to watch out for them). The season is almost over though. I never thought I would hear my boss be so glad when baseball season is over. I've got three hours to make myself useful the best I can while still remaining fair to all.

2 O'Clock is when I begin processing mail...somewhere between two and three... So its about that time.

The workload just comes in spurts. That's the way the world works it seems.
Like at the grocery store, there will be times of long fast moving lines, and other times of shorter lines sometimes even more than one checker lane with not one person in line.
I truly believe that if we (as a nation) had a better handle on managing work flow, hourly worker production would greatly increase. And in a world that I would want, those increased profits could be passed down to the hourly worker. If not through hourly rate increases, then through bonuses. I dream of building such structures. I have to work at believing in myself, and the strength of the good Lord to get me there. I know I can do a greater good for all. That's my focus. Win-win situations.

Banish the doubt. Believe in victory.

This ho-hum time can be healing.
All in God's time.

I am not sure I will be doing the Wednesday Night burger night tonight. I can't remember what the movie was, and I am thinking it didn't interest me to much. I'll check up on that.

P.S. It's Mad Money playing tonight. Ever heard the phrase "No honor among thieves!"?
Its those that understand the principals of money that will have and grow it. I think there are better things to fill my mind with. Those that rely on windfalls of money either through theft or gambling that will never prosper. Gambling winnings can be good seed money, although gambling is a result of fear from what I am beginning to understand.


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