Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Disturbed Tuesday

I am not nealry as disturbed as I was earlier today, now that the day is almost over. I had a difficult time eating today. I was very stressed out. I was still trying to plead my case on this automated citation I received. I think I am satisfied with the plan of attack on this one. A great sermon my Pastor delivered a while back when I hit panic mode comes to mind. So, I am beginning to let go knowing that I am working on it with God's help. Every day presents challenges. I have risen above so many, thanks be to God. I am beginning to finally have that peace that I have been on my knees asking for today. Ah the great healer, the great bringer of peace. It is so nice to have that connection.

Now, If I can just be still, and know that God can help gude me throught this, things will be much greater.
"Be still and know I am God" comes to my head.
There is a connection.

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