Thursday, May 8, 2008

Insanely Busy Thursday

I overcooked my eggs this morning, I was trying to make due with what dishes I had clean.
My bird got pissed at me cause he didn't like the over cooked they were runny, then I microwaved them a few seconds and they became like rubber)
I ate them.

I got to work a bit early today.
I went straight to work. There were piles of work for me. I didn't mess around at all.
I scanned in over 50 business cards and ran them through the OCR software we have. That takes some time, because Plano almost always comes out Piano, and there are other corrections that have to be made where the wrong information ends up in the wrong fields. I still believe it is slightly more efficient than I could be just as data entry. There is quite a bit of information on business cards these days. Name, phone, address, cell phone, website address, email address, etc.
After that, I began compiling prospect lists based off of demographics for 15 individual sales reps.
I did take 30 min or less to eat a salad for lunch.
I was busy from the time I got there till the time I left.
I even stayed after a bit to wrap things up.
I still have a stack of work to keep me quite busy throughout the whole day tomorrow likely and my assistant busy half the day Monday.

I made it home fairly peacefully in about 20 min.
Traffic looked to be pretty bad, but I avoided the bad spots.

It a bit warm, but it looks like a nice day for a bike ride.
I really need some sun glasses. I may find some clipons and deal with those again for a while. I don't think I am ready to pay for prescription sun glasses or get contacts.
Thursday Night Sunset Concert is tonight. I may go.

For now, I am just going to wind down a bit.

BREATHE they say...
It seems the attitude my boss is "Don't worry, don't panic, just preform the miracles you always do."

There were things I thought impossible that I made possible just by refusing to believe it was impossible on more than one occasion this week.

Praise God for the secrets being revealed to me.
Praise God for the many blessings he bestows on us all.

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