Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Busy Wednesday

This Wednesday proved to be pretty busy. In the morning, I did a little bit of stretches and exercise while reading some from the book I borrowed from my brother, How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnige. My help at work was having a difficult time figuring out what to do before I got here. There was so much to be done when I got here, there was only so much I could show her and I wound up being quite busy from the time I got to work until the time I left. I did not read one page of a book while I was at work, or even take the newspaper out of it's plastic sleeve. After work, I went to the country club for a burger. I got to socialize a little bit. I worked hard at applying some of the principals of trying to figure out what interests other people, and didn't have a whole lot of success. The group I sat with, although they knew me, had already established their little "click" I had joined them because a guy that had recognized me from the grocery store I work at and has seen me around waved at me being polite because I had waved at him before about a week ago from across the bar, but there weren't any seats open near him. I did meet someone new to me and had a bit of conversation with him. A friend sent me a text message telling me she was on her way, and I went home for meet up with her and have some of the beer I had bought from the out of the box special. I visited my friend, played a little Yahtzee, and watched a little television. I went to bed fairly late.

(considering an 8:30 AM workday follows)

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