Monday, May 19, 2008

Not Just Monday

I am back-blogging a bit here pardon me while I remember the details of the earlier day....seemed busy but smooth.till I got home...

This monday, I found a couple of suprises in my mailbox when I got home from work. There was a live spider in my mailbox, but fortunately it didn't bite me. I also found a civil citation in my mailbox. A citation from SafeLight Dallas for "running a red light". After I pulled the video up that they presented as evidence, I was a bit disturbed. The light had turned red right as my wheels hit the line as I was making my right turn. The large SUV hit his brakes hard at the point the light turned red (about .26 seconds afterward), but let off towards the end and ran the light because he didn't hve time to stop. I feel I would have been rear ended if I had stopped there, if it was even physically possible. So far, the sting hasn't been too bad. To this point, all it has done has eaten my time. I am going to dispute it, which will cost me a little time and money, but it will at least delay things. I am going for dismissal on this one, but even delaying it give me a bit of satisfaction because I know it eats into the profits of this kind of sting. I have talked to several people that have received the citation in similar situations around town. The program is a good idea, but it has created quite a ruccus. After the light is red means fractions of a second after, and when you are turning right it can be ludicris. Several that I talked to tonight that recived the same citation I received in the same intersection under the same circumstance. It's a fine line, and unfortunately I crossed it in their eyes. Mine wasn't as extreme as some I read about after digging around on the internet to see what other people have experienced. I read of someone who received one of these automated citations while in a funeral procession!

I found myself watching the video over and over again trying to figure out how I wanted to approach the situation
I finally allowed myself to go to sleep. It wasn't an easy task to empty my mind, and I stayed up pretty late.

So maybe it isn't "just" monday. It seems a little unjust to me.

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