Thursday, May 8, 2008

Live Life Abundantly

I did go to the sunset Thursday concert. I probably would have paid good money and traveled a good distance to see that show had I known how good it was going to be. I, on the other hand, didn't have to do either. The concert was free for me as a Village Resident and all I had to do was walk down the street. I got to socialize a bit with my neighbors a bit to. The band that played was Voodoo Blue, a Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble Tribute Band. They put on a great show. After the concert I went in for some fajitas and a friend of mine that goes to the same church I go to was "watching the game" and I came up and said hello. It was and always is a pleasure talking to him. He flat out asked me what is your main focus in life right now. I answered honestly, "My finances." He reminded me the right answer. "Jesus" Jesus should be always the main focus in my life above all. The rest follows. I came home filled with good music and joy from my brother in Christ.

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