Thursday, May 22, 2008

Almost Friday

Hey, it's almost Friday! Memorial Day Weekend is coming up.

I need to use the time off effectively!
I need to do so much housework.
I need to recycle, salvage, and sell what I can.

It looks like Saturday and Sunday will be nice days out at the pool.

I have not a clue what I will be doing on Memorial day.

Statistics show not many people will be hitting the road, so who knows, maybe I will rent a car and drive out to see family and friends out in east Texas. I don't plan on driving that far with my car in it's current condition.

I have about 30 minutes left. Nothing much exciting has happened around here.
I bid a job, but got no response. I took care of the printers and faxes around here making sure they have drums, toner, and paper. I processed a little bit of mail. I put away a few faxes.

My mind is not being challenged enough. I want to learn more, I want to have a bigger impact, but of course I want more for it as well.

I caught myself telling myself I was stuck in a dead end position earlier today. I corrected myself and told myself that I am working in a dead end position that has potential to lead me to infinite possibilities.

I'm keeping my faith!

Every day I get by, I thank God for what I have.

There was a time very recently I was all spun up, and I got on my knees and thanked God for every blessing I have and begged for peace. I thank God for the family I have, for the roof over my head, for the food I eat, for the job I have, for the chance to share the love of the Lord. Thank God I do have something to live for. Sometimes this life can give you the perception that everything is doomed. I reject that reality and substitute my own. (well the reality that Jesus taught!)

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