Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Through Wednesday

Today, I warned several people about the little red light traps, especially turning right on yellow as it turns red.

I went to the post office and I sent in my form contesting the citation and the nice little letter why I am contesting it (I believe I would have been rear ended by the SUV following behind me.) I sent the letter certified, so there should be no denying that I did that part. I have good records.

I went to the country club for a burger, and I was really feeling the cash crunch. I almost wanted to stay for the movie the because I heard it was a good movie, but I was feeling anxious and knew I would be tempted to spend more money sitting there at the bar. I was a bit down, but not too bad. I just felt a little isolated. I saw someone at the country club I wanted to talk with a bit, but there was no seat for him and I was eating my burger. He did come over and say hello, but there was no place for him to sit or set up his computer. He had work to do do anyways. I spoke with another neighbor briefly about his closing on his house up north. He isn't counting it done yet, until the money is wired into the bank, but it's pretty much wrapped up. It had taken a year to sell.

I went home and had a coke and read a bit from a book, got sleepy and went to bed rather early.

I seem to be getting through the days.

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