Thursday, May 15, 2008

Overcast Thursday

Today the sky has been a bit overcast. I woke up very early. I guess it is because I fell asleep early as the storm hit and I didn't take my chill pill. I actually woke up at 5:30 AM. Evidently my radio had been on the whole night, but it seems the radio woke me up. I laid around for a bit. I got up and got ready for the day. I left a bit early just so I wouldn't worry about being rushed.
Things are fairly peaceful and calm around the office. It seems as if management is trying to change the rules of the game in the middle of it, but we will see how all that goes. The reason they are wanting to change things up is in the past the majority of the new hires have not been getting their mailings out. As soon as we had everything in place where we were clearly reporting we were doing our job, management realized the problem really lies in the agent's follow through on getting us the name flow. I'm not the referee or the one who makes the rules, so I have little say in it all. I just do the job my boss has me do and take my guaranteed hourly pay.

Thursday night, sunset Thursday concert. I am not sure, but this one may get rained out. It would be difficult to top Fab Four or Voodoo Blue I saw there on previous Sunset Thursday concerts.

Whatever the case may be, I am sure I will find something to do with my time.
I choose peace. I chose to serve. I choose joy. I choose abundance.
What do you choose?
The concert was a bit lame. It was like polish music I think. Someone with a violin, someone with a guitar, and someone with a sax. Songs unfamiliar to me. A bit disappointing. It did manage to get some people out in hopes of hearing some good music. The crowd was enough to keep me entertained a bit, I got to socialize a bit.
I spent a bit of money on things I didn't need again. Bad Bad BAD!

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