Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I got up early Sunday.

I contemplated going to church, but I didn't know when my friend would call me, and I was being a little lazy.

I went to visit an old friend later in the day. It was the most pleasant visit I have had with my friend since a really bad incident he where just about all out attacked me (more my possessions). Why do I still consider him a friend? "Friends are friends forever as long as the Lord is the Lord of them." We are still working at reconciliation. I can't expect him to be able to pay me back for what he has damaged before he takes care of his own basic needs.

I work towards Total Forgiveness. There is a good book on the process of forgiving by that title by R.T. Kendall.

Another friend called and said he might stop by. I told him that I had just gotten to my friends place and that it would be a bit before I could get over there. I made the visit at my friends place a bit short and headed over to my place. I met with my other friend and we went for a bite to eat.

I started reading some of the Power of Positive Thinking book by Norman Vincent Peale, and I got a little sleepy. I laid down for a quick nap, and the next thing I know I get a text message from a friend disappointed that she didn't hear from me. I honestly thought she was going to call me.

Oh well, Monday is another day off. Memorial Day.

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