Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Today has been a great day. I was not ready to go to work at first, but I slowly began to warm up. I didn't let myself get into too much of a frenzy today. I made it to both jobs on time today. I didn't get angry at anyone on the road today. I had an opportunity to criticize someone for a careless mistake, but decided it would be more detrimental to bring it up than to let it peacefully slip by after I fixed it without my help even knowing. My job is such a dynamic job, it is difficult for someone else to come behind me and get things done with out specialized training, and there is too much to even know what to cover and that led to a small careless mistake. I didn't have much to keep me busy today, but I preformed the usual duties. I made it home rather quickly and peacefully and managed to even relax a bit before my second shift. I went into work in the evening and had quite a pleasant evening. The evening seemed to go by quite smoothly and quickly.
I took advantage of the out of the box specials on beer at work. Sometimes, when the boxes break they sell the individual bottles at a discount. There were a couple of specialty beers that were worth the buy.

One I picked up for fifty cents was Newcastle Brown. I remember going into my local Country Club and getting the Wednesday night burger special $3.95 for a burger and fries, and I paid $4.00 for one Newcastle Brown!
So, fifty cents is a great buy compared to that!
I can even keep my own tip when I open it!

I chatted with a friend online I hadn't chatted with in a while. It was good to catch up. It seems things are going very well for him. He is working int Boston in Theater and loving it.

All in all it really has been a Terrific Tuesday!

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