Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stay Focused Tuesday

This day has presented a challenge. I woke up much somewhat my dismay at 6:30 AM. I tried to get some more sleep, but it didn't happen. I ended up answering many questions from my assistant about what to do at work. I did manage to make it to the bank and deposit that refund check and get a haircut. I paid some towards my Target Visa, some towards my internet (AT&T), and some towards my car insurance (GEICO)

I have only a little over an hour to go for the day job today. Then I work from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM and again at 8:30 AM - 5 PM Wednesday through Friday. I need the hours. I am glad I haven't taken on too many at the grocery store so I can still function and take the hours I have available to me, cause I sure have quite a bit of debt to pay off.

What I try to stay focused on is the peace and tranquility I am to have. There is no sense in allowing every day pressures get me spun up into a frenzy. This is where I am trying to focus. See the good. See the good that I do get to work some good paying hours in a fairly relaxed environment. I do a great job, I have a place. Things are not really bad. I just have to look at things the right way. Stay focused on the truth. Peace and Joy and Abundance are mine to be had, and are to be had for anyone who believes.

Peace be with us all

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