Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Winding Down Wednesday, Finding the keys

I kept busy at work. I revamped all the brochures. I was tightly wound most of the day.

I have foreshadowed a bit with co-workers setting the stage saying some day I might just show up to work in a limo. Setting that image in not only my head, but others as well.

I stayed to myself this Wednesday. I am short on cash.
I didn't go see Semi Pro at the country club.

I hoped that someone would return an email, but I was bombarded with spam that is usually filtered out without a problem and haven't received that response I was looking for yet.

This evening I spent at home not doing much of anything at all.
I played a few games of Yahtzee. I played the against the computer algorithm for a while, and then I played myself calling the other player ego and beat ego by one point. That was the worst I had played all night. I actually scored a 519 one night! I hold myself to high standards. When I have done something once, I feel I have to be able to do it over an again. I was focusing on positive energy that night, and happy energy, and doing pretty well at it.

Choosing to be happy is a choice. Letting go every excuse to not be happy is key.
Being happy is key to success.

There, we have the keys, all we have to do is open the doors!

I am winding down trying to get ready to go to sleep.

It is getting quite late!

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