Saturday, June 14, 2008

Road Trip Saturday

This Saturday, I didn't want to get out of bed when I woke up.

I finally got going, and bolted out the door in a hurry.
I was headed to my parents house to hitch a ride with them to go see my grandfather.

He had recently been admitted to the hospital again with some kind of infection. I had already heard and had gotten him on silent unity's prayer list. On the trip there, that was all we knew. Moments after we arrived, we were given the news that he was going to be whisked away for a quick surgery to remove his gall bladder. His gal bladder had stopped functioning for quite a while, and had come dangerously close to rupturing putting him at quite a risk. Thankfully, the surgery went well. When the surgeon came to give us the good news of how well the surgery went and the fact he was going back to a regular room, the clouds above broke and the sunlight poured in. We got to see him smile as his wife of 65 years (my grandmother)kissed him as he was waking up half groggy from the anesthesia.

I made it back home about 8 PM. It was about a twelve hour journey for me.

I was glad to see my grandfather even though it was such a short visit with him.

My prayers are with him still.

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