Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I was exhausted today.

I had been tying to come up with something meaningful to present as a gift to my father for quite a while. I finally saw something that I though he would really like. I got an email from Borders saying it was 20% off. I rode my bicycle up to the local Borders only to find out that they were completely sold out all over town of what I came for. I was looking for the HBO series of 3 States of Anxiety about John Adams and the story of the fathers of America. I wandered around quite a while trying to find something meaningful that I knew he would like. I wasn't sure about anything I picked up. I realized later that the one thing I came for was a bit above the budget I was trying to stay in. I went home exhausted and took a nap hoping to pick up where I left off. I slept for several hours. My father called me after hearing that I was out wandering around in the heat trying to find something special for him. He told me the last thing he wanted me to be doing was riding around out in the heat pushing myself too much. He said he didn't need anything materialistic and didn't need me to spend my hard earned money on him. I just sent him an email letting him know that I really do care, and I was really trying to find something that was meaningful, and I am glad that I have more time to do something special for him.

Exhausted still, I just went back to bed.

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