Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Today wasn't the usual Wednesday for me.

I did go to work and handled a few things at the office.

I showed up a little early to cut a check to Susan G Komen Three Day Walk for a benefit showing of Get Smart.

I went home for a min and then went up to see the movie. It was a good movie, a little lame at times, but it was good. Unfortunately, I began to get a migraine towards the end of the movie. There was a raffle drawing, but I didn't win anything. I still felt good about donating to a good cause.

I don't figure it was a combination of the change in atmospheric pressure as the storms came in, and the noise from the movie that triggered the migraine. I made it home before the storm hit. It really wasn't much of a storm. Just a little lightning and some wind and a little drizzle after I got home. I talked to my mother for a a while and tried to wind down.

Knowing I had a full day ahead of me, I went to bed at a fairly decent hour.

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