Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I slept most of this Sunday away.

This is the third week in a row that I didn't make myself get up in time and push myself to go to church. Ironic, because generally when I make it to church, it usually gives me the boost I need.

I got out and fed some animals in the park around my apartments.

The heat must have zapped my energy, or maybe it was the lack of sleep the days prior.

All I know is it didn't take long and I was wiped out and took a very long nap.

I didn't wake up again till around 6 PM, when a friend of mine brought over a dirt bike he had been working on.

I was impressed with what he had done with it. When he bought the dirt bike, it wasn't in the best of condition. The bike looks completely different now, almost looks like a brand new bike.

We hung out for a bit and we were going to go do a little shopping, but ended up waiting on a friend, and by the time she left the stores we had intended to go to were closed.

We looked up a what a homo polar motor was. We didn't have the right kind of magnet to make our own, but it was an interesting concept. I don't understand the physics behind it.

We talked about environmental issues, physics, school, and just about everything really.

We had a nice time just chatting about the infinite possibilities in the world around us.

After the day was all over, I realized I didn't attend the jam session in Garland at Zion Gate Records. It is sad that it took a tragedy for me to hear about the awesome efforts these guys made getting into the recording industry.

All in all, Sunday was a good day. I got some rest. I enjoyed talking with my friends and hanging out.

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