Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Go ahead Wednesday

This morning, I had a follow up appointment with my physician.

They just checked the usual vital signs.
Blood pressure, weight, gait, etc.

Thats when we realized I have lost nine pounds in three months.
When I was asked if I had intended to, I was slow to answer.
I really did want to loose some inches and was working at it, but I wasn't looking to loose weight. At this point my goal is to increase muscle mass.
I still look at is as progress, because I did loose the inches, and the fat is the most difficult to loose.

I admitted that I had reduced my dose of one medication on my own slowly and that I was at a comfortable place with it and didn't want to move either direction at the moment. My doctor surprisingly did not act a bit disappointed. Some doctors get quite upset if a patient slowly adjusts their dose without consulting with them first. He sees that I have made some progress and seems comfortable with the path I am on.

He listened intently to my heart for a minute and said things sounded quite normal.

He gave me the go ahead to get started in a new biathlon exercise program being offered that involves running and swimming.

I am going to be sure to fuel my body to keep from loosing too much weight.

I am fairly content with the progress I have made so far.

I still have other goals I have to work on. In particular making work more worthwhile for everyone involved or finding a place where I can thrive.

These are efforts I don't take lightly.
I have a tendency to over analyze these situations.
I think if I spent more time in action less time analyzing I would get more done.
There is a delicate balance between the two though. Processes have to be defined and honed along the way for efficiency. Some planning and research is required. I also know I don't want to try to get ahead of God. From what I understand when you try to get ahead of God, eventually you tire out and have to seek comfort and rest and restoration when you stop.

I am thankful for every day.
I will take things one day at a time

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