Thursday, June 12, 2008

Full day Thursday

This morning, I was rushing to get out the door on time.
I was a little wound up last night and I stayed up late.
I didn't want to get moving when I first woke up, and therefore didn't give myself enough time to make myself a lunch before hitting the door.
I ran off to work and made it on time fairly peacefully.

I managed to keep myself fairly busy.
I did a little work on culling out old files and organizing what I have.
I spent more on lunch than I could have.
I handled all requests, put away all incoming faxes, and kept the equipment around here supplied. I sent out some marketing letters on behalf of an agent.

I went home and time just really seemed to fly by. I chatted a bit with a new friend I met online. I had planned to go for a little swim, but I got a text from a friend and she wanted to know if I wanted company. I said sure.

So, she came over and we watched a bit of a movie called Skin Walkers that she brought over. It was a good movie. I don't usually get into that particular type of movie, some of the stuff was ridiculously Hollywood. There was definitely some nice cinematography in the movie. Some of it was digitally enhanced, but nevertheless, there were some really great shots. Just simple stuff like the beautiful colorful sky and clouds, or the open road, or a shot of the moon phasing into a bell into another scene. Great eye candy. It interested me enough to watch a little about the making of the movie and who the creators were. If I had time, I might have watched the movie with commentary. I walked my friend to her car and went back inside.

I stayed up a bit late again, and finally forced myself to go to sleep.

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