Monday, June 9, 2008

Start of the week

Its the start of the week.
Happy Monday!

I finally got that stimulus check. Sure did need it. Scary thing was, I wasn't counting on it! It is going to allow me to get some groceries. I have clipped and organized coupons and I am going to get another one just for cashing the check. All the money I have coming to me so far is already spent. Without big changes, it will be that way for a while. I can hold on to a very small bit of it, but the more I hold on to, the longer this whole already spent it scenario lasts. Most of it is going to pay down some balances a bit.

I know I am not alone in this situation, and that doesn't make it any easier.

I know I must start working more very soon, because I am not making enough progress fast enough for me.

I keep holding on to hope that I will master this thing. I will get out of this hole.

I didn't have to do too much at work. I just filled the printers with supplies and what not, processed the mail, nothing much else going on.

Tick Tock Tick Tock..the end of the day drags by.

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