Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally Friday

Well, it is finally Friday.

I wish I could get some more activity going comfortably around the office.

It always seems that there is either so much work to do, we are scrambling to get it done, or so little that we are twiddling our thumbs.

I constantly seek that balance.

I keep up my hopes that I can help keep this current program running smoothly with little involvement needed as I transition into something more fulfilling.

My creativity is a bit stifled today.

Sometimes the creativity flows with ease, and other times it just goes stagnant.

When I have a task to preform, I can get it done. Having the creativity and foresight to create work for myself that only helps insure I stay in the same position that is barely sustaining me is quite difficult.

But it is FRIDAY :) I can wrap things up pretty soon here and try to relax a bit.

Something I have been having a bit of a difficult time doing lately.

Dr. Wayne Dyer speaks of how therapeutic being on purpose can be.

I was listening to an interview of Sy Sternberg published on AdvisorToday, the previous CEO of New York Life, also speaks of how fulfilling life can be when you feel you are making a positive impact and have purpose.

It makes me want to really make that little enterprise I have built in my mind work.

It may come down to me asking to become what I have been working for.

I don't know where my life will take me, but I agree with Dr. Wayne Dyer on one thing for sure: Each experience in my life has purpose.

It isn't my job to change the order of the universe, rather to align myself with the order of the universe.

I am thankful for church friends, friends at work, a job, a way to get to work, a place to stay, enough money coming in to hold ground.

I continue aspire for more.

I work at not being driven by fear, rather by aspiration to do greater things in this world.

Perfect love casts out all fear.

I have much on the brain.
I want to help in so many ways.
I feel as if I am beginning to find my higher purpose.

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