Sunday, June 29, 2008

Made it to Church on time

I broke the cycle of not attending again!

I made it on time to church for worship
The church service was nice and ended in singing one of my favorite church hymns.
"Victory in Jesus"

A few people have come up to me after hearing my proud voice singing in church and said that I need to get up there and either help lead at times or join the choir. I just smiled and shrugged and said thanks. I do not want to commit and devote to too much right now, but I am prayerfully where my place and purpose is and how much I should take on.

I attended the quarterly meeting after church.

We had difficult import decisions to make in budget planning.
The motions were made and passed to allow for the money to come out of reserves and invest into our current location on some remodeling and getting the building up to code now that it is apparent we are not changing locations any time soon.

We have a long road of renovation and revitalization ahead of us.
We don't have a clear picture of our goal yet, but we are working on it.

Much like my life, we are taking things a few steps at a time.

We all seem to accept that our fate is not completely in our hands.

To some, that is a terrifying notion, but to those that have true faith in a God that is in control and uses all forces to work for good, it is a spiritual understanding that brings peace.

Third Day's Wonderful Music and lyrics are playing through my rhapsody player right now

Take My Life Third Day Offerings II: All I Have To Give

How many times have I turned away
The number is the same as the sand on the shore
Every time you have taken me back
Now I pray that you do it once more

Please take from me my life when I don't have the strength to give it away to You
Please take from me my life when I don't have the strength to give it away to You Jesus.

How many times have I gone astray
The number is the same as the stars in the skies
Every time you've taken me back
Now I pray that you do it tonight.

Please take from me my life when I don't have the strength to give it away to You
Please take from me my life when I don't have the strength to give it away to You Jesus.

I also watched an old movie called Tron with a couple of friends a a friends apartment near mine. I though it was some really corny old sci-fi stuff. I watched it and almost dozed off.

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