Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday with friends.

This Saturday, my parents went to go visit my grandfather. I didn't get my stuff together and go. I stayed at home and visited with my friends.

A neighbor of mine called and we just kept talking on the phone and I kept having to charge it up.

He finally came over and we talked for quite a while.

Some other friends came over. They were inviting me to a dinner at a friend's, but I didn't want to leave my neighbor hanging out alone. I really didn't want to do any driving either.

We went to the book store, and I got Real Magic by Wayne Dyer. Its one of his older books, but I have heard good things about it. It was a paperback at half priced books, so I didn't spend much more than a few dollars on it. I am wanting to read more and more, see more movies, and hear new music. I am like Johnny Five from Short Circuit "MORE INPUT MORE INPUT"

We went to get a Burrito over at the Chipoltle.

We stayed up and talked for a few more hours.

I finally went to bed pretty late again.

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