Saturday, June 7, 2008

Satisfactory Saturday

This day left me feeling fulfilled and satisfied in many ways.

I woke up pretty early. I started doing some cleaning and organizing and called a friend and let her know I was going to hang out by the pool and invited her out.
We have known each other since the fourth grade, but we rarely get together and hang out. I was very happy she did come to visit and hang out at the pool. There was quite a crowd out. We had a couple of drinks by the pool and enjoyed listening to the music they were playing. They even played boogie shoes. The pool parties around here are quite fun. I felt like I had to share with here a little about my life that I had kept very quiet about. It was nice being able to open up to her and hold nothing back.

Afterwards, a few friends came over and we all hung out.

The day was really nice, it flew by rather fast.

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