Saturday, May 31, 2008

Full House Saturday

Saturday, I woke up fairly early. My friend managed to find a ride to come hang out with me a while. He arrived early in the morning, before 10 AM.

We hung out a little bit. I was supposed to have lunch plans with someone, but I called and he didn't answer or return my call. A couple of other people came by and we all sat around and talked a bit. We went out to lunch, but it wasn't the most pleasurable experience. The waitress did get the order right, but she was almost all out rude. We had to ask for napkins, and when she brought them, she brought five very thin napkins for the five of us. There was no silver ware provided, so eating French fries without making a mess requiring only one napkin seemed like an unnecessary challenge to me. We all left a bit disappointed with the experience. The burger was good, but we all decided we would rather go somewhere else next time we go out to eat. The main reason, the attitude of the employees.

Hours passed like minutes after we arrived back at my apartment. I played my bass a bit while everyone seemed to be entertaining themselves. Dinner time had passed, and we had no plan. I had something in the freezer, so I grabbed it and threw it on the stove. It was all I offered to my company. I didn't have anything else and I wasn't ready to go driving to another place to pick up food when he was already to the waited too late to eat phase. Another friend of mine went and grabbed him a couple of Dr. Peppers for him. I have a difficult time taking care of others right now. It is difficult enough for me to take care of myself lately. So, my friends have helped each other out a bit.

Everything was pretty much OK.

Another friend stopped by in the middle of the night. It freaked me out a little bit because I was afraid someone had complained about my music being a little loud that time of night.

I do think my friend had a fairly enjoyable visit.

I didn't do much else other than clean house and run circles around everyone while everyone visited.

I am thankful to have what I have, thankful to have company even when sometimes I am uncomfortable with or without company, thankful my friends are getting along.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Made it to Friday

Happy Friday!

Today, I tried to stay busy at work. I helped a couple of the insurance agents around here the best I could. I got some sincere gratitude around here today, which was nice. Not a whole lot has transpired. It has been the usual. Just a few paper jams and supplies that needed to be replaced. I kept myself a bit distracted with the news and what not. I need to get better at coming up with projects for my help to work on when she comes in on Monday. I have worked here long enough, I can create work for myself, but that isn't something that comes overnight or with only a little bit of training.

A friend of mine was wanting to visit me this weekend, and he has been unable to find transportation to get close to me. My car does not have one fan working to cool the engine other than the heater when I turn it on. Fortunately, the radiator is still OK. I just cannot drive to go pick up my friend, and unfortunately there is no way my friend can drive either. It wasn't his fault, he lost the ability to drive due to medical reasons. Theoretically, I could drive out there and back, but I would be quite uncomfortable, not very safe, and the possibility of overheating is too great for me to take the risk. I declined to even try to drive out to Garland to meet up with him. I just don't think it is a good idea, and after I explained my position again, he understood. Unfortunately, I can't help there.

He is going to try to arrange a ride to my place tomorrow morning and a way back the next.

I have much to do at home this weekend. I have some more cleaning to do, and I have a little shopping I need to do as well. I need to be very careful in how I spend my money right now. It is tight for everyone, and I am pretty much maxed out. There isn't much room on any line of credit with a good interest rate. Lots of room on a card with a horrendous rate. My goal is to get out of the debt game and into the investment game. It seems as if it will take me a while at the current rate I am going.

I am still making progress.
My credit score even made a slight increase.
It seems to be jumping around a bit because of the randomness of when they pull the data.
At least it hasn't been going steadily down.

I just may have to start working more hours at the grocery store.
It is either that or really make a side business up here work.

I think the extra effort in making a side business up here work would pay quite a bit more than what I am making at the grocery store, but I still have to make myself do it. It is certainly much easier just to turn in more hours of availability at the grocery store and work more hours, but the payoff is not near the potential payoff of what I have been dreaming about.

Same stuff, different day.

I really need to start preparing for a garage sale. I have some junk in a shed I haven't touched in years.

In ten minutes or so, I will head out of here for the weekend.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting it handled Thursday

This Thursday it seems that there were quite a few exceptions to deal with and I had to consult with my boss and he had to consult with the compliance coordinator around here and then I had to send that response over to another manager to see if we could cut through some red tape a bit faster. With my boss's help, I think we are getting it handled, though no final decisions have been made. At least people are around here are armed with more information.

For the moment, it seems to be a bit of a lag time. I will probably have more than enough to keep me busy soon.

I will probably attend the Sunset Thursday concert at the VCC this evening.

I just heard a remix of Fine Day that I really enjoyed.
1. Fine Day 08 (DJ Damien S Remix) - Kirsty Hawkshaw

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Busy Wednesday

This Wednesday proved to be pretty busy. In the morning, I did a little bit of stretches and exercise while reading some from the book I borrowed from my brother, How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnige. My help at work was having a difficult time figuring out what to do before I got here. There was so much to be done when I got here, there was only so much I could show her and I wound up being quite busy from the time I got to work until the time I left. I did not read one page of a book while I was at work, or even take the newspaper out of it's plastic sleeve. After work, I went to the country club for a burger. I got to socialize a little bit. I worked hard at applying some of the principals of trying to figure out what interests other people, and didn't have a whole lot of success. The group I sat with, although they knew me, had already established their little "click" I had joined them because a guy that had recognized me from the grocery store I work at and has seen me around waved at me being polite because I had waved at him before about a week ago from across the bar, but there weren't any seats open near him. I did meet someone new to me and had a bit of conversation with him. A friend sent me a text message telling me she was on her way, and I went home for meet up with her and have some of the beer I had bought from the out of the box special. I visited my friend, played a little Yahtzee, and watched a little television. I went to bed fairly late.

(considering an 8:30 AM workday follows)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Today has been a great day. I was not ready to go to work at first, but I slowly began to warm up. I didn't let myself get into too much of a frenzy today. I made it to both jobs on time today. I didn't get angry at anyone on the road today. I had an opportunity to criticize someone for a careless mistake, but decided it would be more detrimental to bring it up than to let it peacefully slip by after I fixed it without my help even knowing. My job is such a dynamic job, it is difficult for someone else to come behind me and get things done with out specialized training, and there is too much to even know what to cover and that led to a small careless mistake. I didn't have much to keep me busy today, but I preformed the usual duties. I made it home rather quickly and peacefully and managed to even relax a bit before my second shift. I went into work in the evening and had quite a pleasant evening. The evening seemed to go by quite smoothly and quickly.
I took advantage of the out of the box specials on beer at work. Sometimes, when the boxes break they sell the individual bottles at a discount. There were a couple of specialty beers that were worth the buy.

One I picked up for fifty cents was Newcastle Brown. I remember going into my local Country Club and getting the Wednesday night burger special $3.95 for a burger and fries, and I paid $4.00 for one Newcastle Brown!
So, fifty cents is a great buy compared to that!
I can even keep my own tip when I open it!

I chatted with a friend online I hadn't chatted with in a while. It was good to catch up. It seems things are going very well for him. He is working int Boston in Theater and loving it.

All in all it really has been a Terrific Tuesday!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day this year has been a good one for me.

I was a bit paranoid that my radiator might be leaking some fluid, but after some investigation, I was pleasantly surprised there didn't seem to be any major leak. I still need to find a way to squeeze in a fan to keep the engine cool without running the heater all the time.

I hung around my apartment a bit. I picked up a somewhat patriotic toy I could only show off to a few friends. I made it to the store to pick up a few items I needed.
I also made a trip out to visit my parents and have dinner with them. It was our traditional Memorial Day type get together. We had potato salad, Eckrich sausage, and baked beans. I borrowed a book from my brother while I was there. An old classic: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnige. My brother gave me a two week loan on the book. He said it shouldn't take that long for me to read. After reading only a few chapters of the book, it looks like he really needs to re-visit the book. This book is a book of application that you have to refer back to several times. The first three chapters emphasize how ineffective and destructive criticism is, which is something my brother doesn't seem to take to heart. The book also urges you to read each chapter twice before proceeding to the next chapter. The formula in the book for most effective use shows that it will definitely take more than two weeks to get the true benefit out of it. I'll read through it before the two weeks, but I will have to probably attain my own copy of it or at least go back and re-visit a copy of it periodically.

A friend of mine stopped by after work and told me a story about an irate customer.
The situation began with a misunderstanding of how many gallons she was supposed to set the pump at. The person pumping went past where it was supposed to stop. So they went over what they wanted to spend and wanted to blame it on the attendant, not the person pumping the gas. This situation was not handled with the best of grace, and the police even had to be called to handle the situation. I wasn't there and I haven't seen the video, but suspect that if my friend had better training and skills in handling people the situation would not have reached the point where police were required. I still stand by my friend, as she was just trying to do her job and we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. I think she may have a lesson to learn here though that she hasn't learned for herself yet. She just kept saying how if she was responsible for her actions in public, so should others. I don't think she realizes how she could have "disarmed" the customer with carefully worded kindness rather than show of authority and power.

My little mini vacation is over. Tuesday I put in a full day between two jobs.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I got up early Sunday.

I contemplated going to church, but I didn't know when my friend would call me, and I was being a little lazy.

I went to visit an old friend later in the day. It was the most pleasant visit I have had with my friend since a really bad incident he where just about all out attacked me (more my possessions). Why do I still consider him a friend? "Friends are friends forever as long as the Lord is the Lord of them." We are still working at reconciliation. I can't expect him to be able to pay me back for what he has damaged before he takes care of his own basic needs.

I work towards Total Forgiveness. There is a good book on the process of forgiving by that title by R.T. Kendall.

Another friend called and said he might stop by. I told him that I had just gotten to my friends place and that it would be a bit before I could get over there. I made the visit at my friends place a bit short and headed over to my place. I met with my other friend and we went for a bite to eat.

I started reading some of the Power of Positive Thinking book by Norman Vincent Peale, and I got a little sleepy. I laid down for a quick nap, and the next thing I know I get a text message from a friend disappointed that she didn't hear from me. I honestly thought she was going to call me.

Oh well, Monday is another day off. Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday Unofficial Summer Kickoff at the Village

Today was the unofficial kickoff to the Summer in the Village.

I bathed in Coppertone SPF 45 a couple of times and took some breaks, but I spent quite a bit of time out at the pool.

The band was alright. They didn't seem to specialize in anything too particular. Whatever was pop and popular, they were playing it it seemed. They were OK.

There were quite a few people out, but the crowd was not very exciting. People were just laying soaking up the rays for the most part.

I felt as if I was on the outside looking in, though I was right there with everyone.

I enjoyed kicking back and enjoying swimming around in the pool for a bit.

I didn't do much else other than a bit of that housework I mentioned I needed to do.

Relaxing days. Not too much going on.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Almost Friday

Hey, it's almost Friday! Memorial Day Weekend is coming up.

I need to use the time off effectively!
I need to do so much housework.
I need to recycle, salvage, and sell what I can.

It looks like Saturday and Sunday will be nice days out at the pool.

I have not a clue what I will be doing on Memorial day.

Statistics show not many people will be hitting the road, so who knows, maybe I will rent a car and drive out to see family and friends out in east Texas. I don't plan on driving that far with my car in it's current condition.

I have about 30 minutes left. Nothing much exciting has happened around here.
I bid a job, but got no response. I took care of the printers and faxes around here making sure they have drums, toner, and paper. I processed a little bit of mail. I put away a few faxes.

My mind is not being challenged enough. I want to learn more, I want to have a bigger impact, but of course I want more for it as well.

I caught myself telling myself I was stuck in a dead end position earlier today. I corrected myself and told myself that I am working in a dead end position that has potential to lead me to infinite possibilities.

I'm keeping my faith!

Every day I get by, I thank God for what I have.

There was a time very recently I was all spun up, and I got on my knees and thanked God for every blessing I have and begged for peace. I thank God for the family I have, for the roof over my head, for the food I eat, for the job I have, for the chance to share the love of the Lord. Thank God I do have something to live for. Sometimes this life can give you the perception that everything is doomed. I reject that reality and substitute my own. (well the reality that Jesus taught!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Through Wednesday

Today, I warned several people about the little red light traps, especially turning right on yellow as it turns red.

I went to the post office and I sent in my form contesting the citation and the nice little letter why I am contesting it (I believe I would have been rear ended by the SUV following behind me.) I sent the letter certified, so there should be no denying that I did that part. I have good records.

I went to the country club for a burger, and I was really feeling the cash crunch. I almost wanted to stay for the movie the because I heard it was a good movie, but I was feeling anxious and knew I would be tempted to spend more money sitting there at the bar. I was a bit down, but not too bad. I just felt a little isolated. I saw someone at the country club I wanted to talk with a bit, but there was no seat for him and I was eating my burger. He did come over and say hello, but there was no place for him to sit or set up his computer. He had work to do do anyways. I spoke with another neighbor briefly about his closing on his house up north. He isn't counting it done yet, until the money is wired into the bank, but it's pretty much wrapped up. It had taken a year to sell.

I went home and had a coke and read a bit from a book, got sleepy and went to bed rather early.

I seem to be getting through the days.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Disturbed Tuesday

I am not nealry as disturbed as I was earlier today, now that the day is almost over. I had a difficult time eating today. I was very stressed out. I was still trying to plead my case on this automated citation I received. I think I am satisfied with the plan of attack on this one. A great sermon my Pastor delivered a while back when I hit panic mode comes to mind. So, I am beginning to let go knowing that I am working on it with God's help. Every day presents challenges. I have risen above so many, thanks be to God. I am beginning to finally have that peace that I have been on my knees asking for today. Ah the great healer, the great bringer of peace. It is so nice to have that connection.

Now, If I can just be still, and know that God can help gude me throught this, things will be much greater.
"Be still and know I am God" comes to my head.
There is a connection.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Not Just Monday

I am back-blogging a bit here pardon me while I remember the details of the earlier day....seemed busy but smooth.till I got home...

This monday, I found a couple of suprises in my mailbox when I got home from work. There was a live spider in my mailbox, but fortunately it didn't bite me. I also found a civil citation in my mailbox. A citation from SafeLight Dallas for "running a red light". After I pulled the video up that they presented as evidence, I was a bit disturbed. The light had turned red right as my wheels hit the line as I was making my right turn. The large SUV hit his brakes hard at the point the light turned red (about .26 seconds afterward), but let off towards the end and ran the light because he didn't hve time to stop. I feel I would have been rear ended if I had stopped there, if it was even physically possible. So far, the sting hasn't been too bad. To this point, all it has done has eaten my time. I am going to dispute it, which will cost me a little time and money, but it will at least delay things. I am going for dismissal on this one, but even delaying it give me a bit of satisfaction because I know it eats into the profits of this kind of sting. I have talked to several people that have received the citation in similar situations around town. The program is a good idea, but it has created quite a ruccus. After the light is red means fractions of a second after, and when you are turning right it can be ludicris. Several that I talked to tonight that recived the same citation I received in the same intersection under the same circumstance. It's a fine line, and unfortunately I crossed it in their eyes. Mine wasn't as extreme as some I read about after digging around on the internet to see what other people have experienced. I read of someone who received one of these automated citations while in a funeral procession!

I found myself watching the video over and over again trying to figure out how I wanted to approach the situation
I finally allowed myself to go to sleep. It wasn't an easy task to empty my mind, and I stayed up pretty late.

So maybe it isn't "just" monday. It seems a little unjust to me.

Just Monday

This has just been pretty much a normal Monday.

Nothing special about it. The day hasn't been too exciting.
I handled the jobs as they came in when I got to work.
I stayed hopping busy the first few hours.
I printed and mailed some postcards, did the usual mail.
Emailed a fax to my boss.
I replaced an ink cartridge in the fax machine and helped someone with a large long-distance fax.

The last hour I was just putting away a few faxes as they came in.

Its 5:00 Time to go home :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

End of the weekend

Well I have reached the end of the weekend.

Today, I went to church with a couple of friends. After church we came over to my place and watched a movie. I also went to go have dinner with my friend and her family. It was a nice visit. Another neighbor came over and we played a game of ace-duce. It wound up being a close game, but I did win. We talked a bit. It was good to hang out.

I have a little laundry I am working on. Not much else going on today.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wildflower Fe$t

Well I did manage to make it to the Wildflower Festival. My friend and I wound up riding with a friend rather than taking the train. I really thought I would have had more stamina, but I didn't feel like staying out there long. I spent quit a bit of money. I bought a drink, and a beer, and a piece of pizza, of course there was the cost of admission. I saw the Paramount Laser Light Show featuring the music of Pink Floyd. It isn't often that I do things like that though. I also went to Plucker's earlier that day and spent quit a bit on food there as well. I have been absolutely horrible on not being on budget . I hope that I scoot by OK. I know I will :) I have faith!
I don't want to go the extremes of back to unhealthy cheap meals and unhealthy hours to get out of debt. I've got to live a little. But I have had my fun, and I really need to watch it BIG TIME!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Loving Life

I am loving life today.

I am aware of the not so great decisions I have been making, strive to make better decisions, but throw caution to the wind a bit sometimes.

I am going to spend a bit of money and go out and enjoy a big festival this weekend.

I try to be moderate with what I spend, because there are times I spend more than I have made.

But, nonetheless, I am enjoying life.

I am still seeing possibilities to overcome all the obstacles that come my way.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Overcast Thursday

Today the sky has been a bit overcast. I woke up very early. I guess it is because I fell asleep early as the storm hit and I didn't take my chill pill. I actually woke up at 5:30 AM. Evidently my radio had been on the whole night, but it seems the radio woke me up. I laid around for a bit. I got up and got ready for the day. I left a bit early just so I wouldn't worry about being rushed.
Things are fairly peaceful and calm around the office. It seems as if management is trying to change the rules of the game in the middle of it, but we will see how all that goes. The reason they are wanting to change things up is in the past the majority of the new hires have not been getting their mailings out. As soon as we had everything in place where we were clearly reporting we were doing our job, management realized the problem really lies in the agent's follow through on getting us the name flow. I'm not the referee or the one who makes the rules, so I have little say in it all. I just do the job my boss has me do and take my guaranteed hourly pay.

Thursday night, sunset Thursday concert. I am not sure, but this one may get rained out. It would be difficult to top Fab Four or Voodoo Blue I saw there on previous Sunset Thursday concerts.

Whatever the case may be, I am sure I will find something to do with my time.
I choose peace. I chose to serve. I choose joy. I choose abundance.
What do you choose?
The concert was a bit lame. It was like polish music I think. Someone with a violin, someone with a guitar, and someone with a sax. Songs unfamiliar to me. A bit disappointing. It did manage to get some people out in hopes of hearing some good music. The crowd was enough to keep me entertained a bit, I got to socialize a bit.
I spent a bit of money on things I didn't need again. Bad Bad BAD!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ho Hum. Twiddle Dee Dee!

Happy Wednesday! This Wednesday I got to work a full day at the day job after working till 9:30 PM last night. I was going to try to get my boss talked into opening in the morning, but he didn't go for it. He said he would be in around 10 AM. I was surprised that I really did well considering that I had less than 12 hours between shifts. (I did this constantly for a year without too much trouble, I dunno why I thought it would be a big deal, I think the main reason I was going to see if my boss wanted to open was to save a couple payroll hours for him) The weather was rainy, and I drove prayerfully and made it to work peacefully. I made it to work early. I got an email with some more of the information I needed to print up some brochures. I printed up some brochures and other materials for people joining the company. I am pretty much done with the initial packet for this new group with only the exception of two agents who have not turned in their info sheets.. I had a good salad for lunch about the time my boss showed up....just before noon. I heard the AOL "Goodbye" around 1:45 PM as he was packing up and getting ready to go out to another umpiring gig. I teased him and told him to watch out for those foul balls. Poor guy, he's been hit by three this season so far (he told me of the third one as I told him to watch out for them). The season is almost over though. I never thought I would hear my boss be so glad when baseball season is over. I've got three hours to make myself useful the best I can while still remaining fair to all.

2 O'Clock is when I begin processing mail...somewhere between two and three... So its about that time.

The workload just comes in spurts. That's the way the world works it seems.
Like at the grocery store, there will be times of long fast moving lines, and other times of shorter lines sometimes even more than one checker lane with not one person in line.
I truly believe that if we (as a nation) had a better handle on managing work flow, hourly worker production would greatly increase. And in a world that I would want, those increased profits could be passed down to the hourly worker. If not through hourly rate increases, then through bonuses. I dream of building such structures. I have to work at believing in myself, and the strength of the good Lord to get me there. I know I can do a greater good for all. That's my focus. Win-win situations.

Banish the doubt. Believe in victory.

This ho-hum time can be healing.
All in God's time.

I am not sure I will be doing the Wednesday Night burger night tonight. I can't remember what the movie was, and I am thinking it didn't interest me to much. I'll check up on that.

P.S. It's Mad Money playing tonight. Ever heard the phrase "No honor among thieves!"?
Its those that understand the principals of money that will have and grow it. I think there are better things to fill my mind with. Those that rely on windfalls of money either through theft or gambling that will never prosper. Gambling winnings can be good seed money, although gambling is a result of fear from what I am beginning to understand.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stay Focused Tuesday

This day has presented a challenge. I woke up much somewhat my dismay at 6:30 AM. I tried to get some more sleep, but it didn't happen. I ended up answering many questions from my assistant about what to do at work. I did manage to make it to the bank and deposit that refund check and get a haircut. I paid some towards my Target Visa, some towards my internet (AT&T), and some towards my car insurance (GEICO)

I have only a little over an hour to go for the day job today. Then I work from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM and again at 8:30 AM - 5 PM Wednesday through Friday. I need the hours. I am glad I haven't taken on too many at the grocery store so I can still function and take the hours I have available to me, cause I sure have quite a bit of debt to pay off.

What I try to stay focused on is the peace and tranquility I am to have. There is no sense in allowing every day pressures get me spun up into a frenzy. This is where I am trying to focus. See the good. See the good that I do get to work some good paying hours in a fairly relaxed environment. I do a great job, I have a place. Things are not really bad. I just have to look at things the right way. Stay focused on the truth. Peace and Joy and Abundance are mine to be had, and are to be had for anyone who believes.

Peace be with us all

Monday, May 12, 2008

Already Spent My Refund

I stayed busy at work, but I felt like I had a good handle on things.

I actually did manage to over pay last year on taxes.
I got home and found a check from the IRS in my mail. I also found some bills I need to pay. The refund check that hasn't made it to the bank yet. I have already spent it. I haven't been able to pay my credit cards off in full in a long time.

It still made me feel like I could spend a little money. Just today, I bought a few things for my bike. I got a headlight which is basically a AAA super bright LED Flashlight with a mount and a back flashing red LED and a luggage rack for the back. I am sure I will get my money's worth out of it. I also got rechargeable batteries and a new charger. I didn't go the hand cranking headlight route, (HOW NON GREEN OF ME) One hour of light for one minute of cranking . If it was designed to slowly feed of the bike and add a only a little resistance, that would be fine, but got one driven by rechargeable batteries (NIMH) instead. The charger wansn't too bad a deal. It came with several batteries, and was basically a free charger the way it was packaged, then I got $5 mail in rebate. I might see that money in 6-8 weeks, or maybe not. I did take the time to fill out all the stuff, hopefully I can find my stamps and get that mailed off.

Well, I should be getting some rest soon. I got up early today, and there is much to to tomorow, and a long night and an early morning to follow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Live Life Abundantly

I did go to the sunset Thursday concert. I probably would have paid good money and traveled a good distance to see that show had I known how good it was going to be. I, on the other hand, didn't have to do either. The concert was free for me as a Village Resident and all I had to do was walk down the street. I got to socialize a bit with my neighbors a bit to. The band that played was Voodoo Blue, a Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble Tribute Band. They put on a great show. After the concert I went in for some fajitas and a friend of mine that goes to the same church I go to was "watching the game" and I came up and said hello. It was and always is a pleasure talking to him. He flat out asked me what is your main focus in life right now. I answered honestly, "My finances." He reminded me the right answer. "Jesus" Jesus should be always the main focus in my life above all. The rest follows. I came home filled with good music and joy from my brother in Christ.

Insanely Busy Thursday

I overcooked my eggs this morning, I was trying to make due with what dishes I had clean.
My bird got pissed at me cause he didn't like the over cooked they were runny, then I microwaved them a few seconds and they became like rubber)
I ate them.

I got to work a bit early today.
I went straight to work. There were piles of work for me. I didn't mess around at all.
I scanned in over 50 business cards and ran them through the OCR software we have. That takes some time, because Plano almost always comes out Piano, and there are other corrections that have to be made where the wrong information ends up in the wrong fields. I still believe it is slightly more efficient than I could be just as data entry. There is quite a bit of information on business cards these days. Name, phone, address, cell phone, website address, email address, etc.
After that, I began compiling prospect lists based off of demographics for 15 individual sales reps.
I did take 30 min or less to eat a salad for lunch.
I was busy from the time I got there till the time I left.
I even stayed after a bit to wrap things up.
I still have a stack of work to keep me quite busy throughout the whole day tomorrow likely and my assistant busy half the day Monday.

I made it home fairly peacefully in about 20 min.
Traffic looked to be pretty bad, but I avoided the bad spots.

It a bit warm, but it looks like a nice day for a bike ride.
I really need some sun glasses. I may find some clipons and deal with those again for a while. I don't think I am ready to pay for prescription sun glasses or get contacts.
Thursday Night Sunset Concert is tonight. I may go.

For now, I am just going to wind down a bit.

BREATHE they say...
It seems the attitude my boss is "Don't worry, don't panic, just preform the miracles you always do."

There were things I thought impossible that I made possible just by refusing to believe it was impossible on more than one occasion this week.

Praise God for the secrets being revealed to me.
Praise God for the many blessings he bestows on us all.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Back Blog Money Blowing Wednesday

I didn't write an entry, so I am relying on day old memories here.....

There was little work to be done, until I showed up at work. I was busy the entire time again.

I remember not having any cash for lunch and going next door to eat where they accepted credit cards with at $3 min order.

I started ordering a cheesseburger, then they got me for fries and a coke and ate a piece of bananna bread while I was wating for my burger (I was starving) and spent almost $9 on lunch.

After work, I went to the country club for a burger. $3.95 for burger and fries. I ordered a Newcastle Brown beer figuring it would be a bit more than I wanted to pay for it, and it wound up being $4! More than my buger and fries!

OK so this was not a frugal day at all. Far from it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy Tuesday

Well I was busy this Tuesday before I even got to work.

I woke up early and called to check up on my help at work and ended up in a long conversation and guiding through quite a bit.

I did take care of some house chores though. I also stopped to take care of another personal issue before work. The Dallas Morning News had gotten me to sign up for a good deal of a prepaid subscription at a discounted rate while even getting some store credit in the Wal-Mart they signed me up at. The subscription I had already paid for runs out towards the end of this month. So, I get an invoice that says on the bottom for your convenience your subscription will be automatically renewed at X$ (which was a different deal than I had originally been signed up for). I called the customer service line and sat on hold for I don't know how long and told them that the way I saw it there was a typo on the invoice...there was an extra y that didn't belong. The way it should read is "For our convenience, your subscription will automatically renew unless we are otherwise notified" They understood my point, were apologetic, but still trying to make a sale. I told them I was not interested and to please cancel my subscription at end of what has already been paid for. There was some mysterious leftover balance of 35 cents which I gladly had them donate to some school or something.

Moving right along, I went to work.

I helped someone with a fax they had difficulties with the day before and earlier today.

I helped with someone frustrated with the copier and the copier giving an error I had never seen before. I shut off the main power on the copier and turned it back on. It seemed to be working just fine. I told him to let me know if there were any more issues with it and I would be glad to call service. I never heard another peep about it.

I dealt with issues such as people complaining about an order I printed after they had approved my proof and just goofy errors where I would hit print and nothing would come out of the printer. It seemed to take forever to get the computer to shut down, eventually I held the power button. Even then, when I had restarted the problem remained. I figured it was a problem with the document and I recreated it and the problem went away.

I have less than ten minutes to close up here and go home to grab a bite to eat and get ready for my next post. 6:30 on the check stands at the grocery store.

Things seem fairly peaceful around here.

There is quite a stack for my boss to come into tomorrow.

I guess that's what happens when you show up to work only once or twice a week.

Well, I guess I am out of here.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Busy Busy Monday

I have been busy since I arrived at work. There has been very little lag time at all.
I worked on getting things set up for a new group of people joining the company, processed outgoing mail twice, set up copy codes for agents joining the company, sent out an email of templates, swapped out some white pigs for some Hispanic Market pigs (promotional piggy banks) for one of the agents, put away all incoming faxes, and filled all the paper supplies. There are less than 15 minutes left in the work day.

I used to enjoy Monday night half priced pizza night at a restaurant that has since closed. I am thinking I may just start eating a quick snack and scheduling myself for work at the grocery store. I have got to get this debt pile paid down one way or another, and there are not many expenses I can cut. I don't have much that I can or am willing to sell. I am convinced though, I can get myself out of this debt. I am may just have start working a bit more in the evenings. I am not doing very good an convincing myself that is what I really want to do. I pretty much know that is what I need to do. I may just start working Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Evenings. We will see.

Peaceful Monday

This Monday has turned out to be an incredibly peaceful Monday for me so far. There were challenges throughout the day, but I just seemed to peacefully work through each one. My mother was unfortunately not so peaceful today. Traffic got her all stirred up. Two cars going below the speed limit blocking two lanes where she couldn't get around, and then someone switching into her lane and it was like two vehicles squeezed together impossibly to fit within one lane. So, when I first spoke with her she told me she was having a terrible morning. I think to myself, no one got hurt, nothing got broken or damaged, she made it to work on time, what is so terrible about that? The truth is the only thing that was terrible about it was the way she reacted to the challenges before her and allowed it to made it a terrible morning for her. This is the truth I am learning. I made it to work without getting angry or upset. People did their usual crazy maneuvers that I just peacefully thankfully passed by without problem. I made it to work early and fixed some problems with the printers. I had to remove an ugly paper jam and replace a faulty part with a partially used part while others are on back-order.
Everything seemed to be running fairly smooth after I arrived.
It is nearing 2:00 PM; almost time for me to begin processing mail.

I am really enjoying a play list on Rhapsody 2007 International Dance Music Awards Nominees
1. World, Hold On - Bob Sinclar
2. Faster Kill Pussycat - Paul Oakenfold
3. Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Club Mix) - Fedde Le Grand
4. Secret Of Love (Original Extended) - Barcera
5. F-cking Boyfriend (Explicit) - The Bird And The Bee
6. Lost - Roger Sanchez
7. Kiss the Sky - Danielle Bollinger
8. I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (Album version) - Scissor Sisters
9. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
10. Sexyback - Justin Timberlake
11. Dale Don Dale - Don Omar
12. I Want More - Cling On To Me (Josh Riptide & Brianna Lee Afterhours Vocal Remix) - Amuka
13. What A Feeling - Peter Luts & Dominico
14. Watchin' (Club Mix) - The Freemasons
15. Raindrops (Radio Edit) - Stunt
16. Dreams - Deep Dish
17. Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
18. Rompe - Daddy Yankee
19. Deja Vu - Beyonce
20. Runaway (Remastered for 2006) - Jamiroquai
21. Ms. New Booty - Bubba Sparxxx
22. Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado
23. Number 1 - Goldfrapp
24. Yeah Yeah (D. Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) - Bodyrox
25. Hips Don't Lie (featuring Wyclef Jean) - Shakira
26. Dance4Life (12' Mix) - Tiesto
27. Alone Tonight - Above & Beyond
28. Be Without You (Kendu Mix) - Mary J. Blige

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Already Sunday?!

The weekend flew by. I had company all weekend. I watched a couple of movies with my friends. I was a bit tired. I wasn't much of a great host. I pretty much slept quite a bit, but I did get a little house cleaning in. I didn't get out and do much. The weather was beautiful and would have been great to spend more time out in it. I did make it to church today. My pastor spoke like he was almost certain he was facing the end of his physical life here with worries of some medical stuff, but by the end I think he had a more optimistic view. (It is amazing the power of prayer) He does have some serious stuff he is fighting. He has already defied all kinds of odds. I along with the majority of the congregation and many others lift him and his family up in prayer. I know there is a flow of loving comforting healing. He will soon on a journey to see more doctors so they can do what that can do for him. A friend of mine was in a wreck yesterday. She is OK. I pray for her recovery in getting things back in order. Car wrecks involve negotiation, decision making, paperwork, and it seems that no one wins but the lawyers and repair shops. I guess the ones that survive without injury are truly winners as well. I pray for more peace and understanding between friends, more atonement, more love. I pray for more of Heaven on Earth. I visualise these beautiful things knowing our thoughts create our world.

I pray to be more grateful, more optimistic, more peaceful, more calm, more focused, more creative.
I pray to define more of my true niche in life, pray that I reach more people with comfort and understanding that surpasses all.

I guess I am in a prayerful mode today. "Pray without ceasing" I tell myself.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Restless Night

I had a restless night last night. I went out to the Country Club and saw the concert. It was alright. They played a few good songs and there was a nice party atmosphere there. Unfortunately, I didn't just kick back and relax. Of course not, I never do. I fumbled around trying to socialize and remember names of people I am just barely meeting. I wind up going up to my friend and talking with him. I got into philosophical with him while he was drunk on the liquid spirits. He looked me straight in the eyes only moments after throwing out all kinds of complements and told me I was the most arrogant man he has ever met and that he would find other ways to work and didn't want to ride with me. It really went through me. I never considered myself arrogant. I guess I came across as arrogant to him. It was the way he said it with such force and said that he has put up with so much crap from me. I was just blown away. I tell myself it was the alcohol talking. I refuse to believe that I am an arrogant man, though I must have come across as one. I will commit to my mind a verse that came to me that night (Gotta love Google) Proverbs 28:25 An arrogant man stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. I try to throw away the animosity, the hate, the hurt. It is a constant battle within. I have one side of me telling me all the true promises and to stand on those. I have another side of me that lets in the criticism. This is a battle that I think goes on within all of us. I focus on the power of the divine. I pray for peace, forgiveness, and atonement. I pray for more understanding. I will let this body be an antenna and channel the goodness from above, the goodness of Love. I sit here preparing to serve the others around me and opening my soul to my God. Peace be with us all.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Alas, it is Thursday. Full day at work. The work comes at certain times. I produce the work as it comes in, and try to fill my head with positive affirmations and progress mentally while I am in lag time. Some-times taking a virtual lag shot or two in a and finishing a virtual game of pool in a virtual 3D world of pool is all I can do to keep from going nuts. There isn't enough to keep my mind active around here. Not enough to challenge me. I aspire for so much more. Of course, I could always pour on more busy work. I am looking for something more fulfilling. I am grateful for the position I am in. I can hold a steady job with steady hours that keeps me afloat while I pull the rest together.

I am really wanting to get my hands on Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. I can fill my head with ideas from that book during lag times.

Who knows, maybe I will figure out how to finance a way further my education online.

I didn't go for the burger special last night. A bit unusual for me. It is rare I stay for the movie, but I usually at least show up for the burger. Tonight is the second Sunset Thursday Concert.
I guess I will be attending that one. The last was pretty nice. I only kick myself for leaving too soon wanting some specific company that was reluctant to come out.

I keep wondering how I feel so alone in a world of millions.

I have about two hours before I get to go home and try to wind down.
I seem to be a bit spun up today.

I keep casting away fear and doubt.
I keep trying to fill my mind with the affirmations given to us all.
"Even the least among you can do all that I have done and even greater things."
I work to banish the doubt, have the faith, visualize what it is I am going for (not what I am afraid of), and going for it with the faith I can reach it. This is what I am learning. It is a great formula, and implementing it does not come without challenge. The challenge is worth rising to.

Rolling with the punches, rising to the challenge!