Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day Tuesday

Well I made it to another full day of work.

I got to work a little before noon.
Things were fairly caught up when I got in to work.
Not a whole lot going on.
My mom did a very nice thing for me, she did some shopping for me. My father pitched in so I could even get more. I got a couple pairs of nice dress pants. They actually fit! I had gotten down to only one pair. It was very nice of them. (not including the ones in the closet I bought for myself in the middle of the night it Wal-mart when I couldn't try them on.. I guess I keep them in hope I will fit in them one day!)

About an hour and a half or so, I will be headed out of here. I will work a short shift at the grocery store this evening as well.

I have already sent in my tax return and from my calculations they owe me, but I will see how the IRS responds. They have surprised me before. I paid when I didn't have to and had some refunded before, I have filled electronically before only for it to be rejected with no notice to me for a year or so but supposedly I was notified immediately.

Taxes are crazy.

I work more than one job, so the I get to pay Federal Unemployment taxes that cap for each job that I work. Then, to top it off, this makes it much less likely that I would qualify for unemployment cause I have more than one job!

As a matter of fact, they are so crazy it has instilled a fear in me I haven't gotten past in starting my own business.

I read in the newspaper that people are concerned about the rising cost of gas. I also read that now someone is trying to implement a special tax on the oil companies?! How does this help reduce the cost of Gas? Shell Corporations (even the Iraqi security forces) are funneling monies through the Cayman islands to get around paying taxes.

Taxes on the gas for the construction and maintenance of roads, more and more Toll Roads popping up.

Every time a vehicle changes hands, sales tax again!

Then that good old registration tax.

I wonder how many vehicles have passed hands enough times for the government to get 100% sales tax on it. I bet it has happened a time or two!

I am a dreamer! I am warning you people!!!! I am NOT just your average working class citizen!

I am not going to be complacent and content with this crap. My voice will be heard. (but that's about it ;) ) Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to reach out a little more.

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