Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Administrative Assistant's Day

I made it to the mall just as they opened and got my little nose piece fixed on my glasses. I had gone over a week putting that chore off. I stopped by and saw the piano that John Lennon composed "Imagine" on.

Today was officially Administrative Assistants day which was formerly known as Secretaries day in 1952. It is celebrated the last full week of April and the official one day is the Wednesday of that week. I remembered to do something for my mom, who is my assistant at work. I gave her a card and a thank you note for covering for me time and time again. I also gave her a little vanilla oil jar with the little aroma diffuser reeds. I have been such a difficult manager to deal with lately, it seems it was hardly appreciated. At least I tried.

My boss was oblivious to the holiday, along with many others in this world. I remembered my boss on Boss's day. I think he may do something nice next week. Better late than never. I went up for a burger at the country club telling them that 90% of the time the burgers are outstanding, but last week wasn't the case. I told them I was willing to risk it. They wound up serving up a great burger and didn't charge me for it to make up for last week. I tipped a little extra and went on my way. There were storms coming that some people seemed to be a bit nervous about. I really wasn't that nervous about them. I just went home and went to bed. Full day of work coming up.

I got official notice of when my 10 Year High School Reunion is coming up.
I poked around some on the website and felt a bit inferior because of the immense progress so many of my peers have made in the last 10 years. Many have made it to prestigious positions in companies, some have started their own, many of them have Bachelors and some have Doctorate Degrees. I was proud of one friend who proudly posted her relationship with her female partner. I have still remained closeted and tacit! Life isn't over yet though! I feel that I am just now beginning to create the mindset to unleash my full potential.

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