Monday, April 21, 2008

Not So Mundane Monday

I stayed up a bit too late last night . I had some company that kept me up somewhat.
Normally, I could just sleep in a bit, but I had a doctors appointment this morning. I got in my car and took a very short drive, a few feet...before I realized I was practically driving on a rim. I pulled out the old trusty air pump and aired up the tire, flew down the highway and made it to my appointment only about 15 min late. I wasn't the only one late to my appointment and evidently it caused some slow downs in the flow of the office. I sat and waited as patiently as I could, but there was the intro to a DVD repeating in a loop. It was a bit irritating and a longer than usual wait, but it really wasn't too bad. I got a refill of the drug I am on. I went to go take care of the tire. I had to air it up again to get back. The replacement tire for the one in the same place got screwed again (got a screw in the sidewall). Got it replaced for $14 again, certificate at Discount Tire. They put something better than a spare on there while they called in the right size. I was fortunate I had someone covering for me at work, cause I was about two hours late.. Well work went by fast. No time to get bored. After work I got the tire swapped out with the right size tire.

The evening hasn't been bad.
I made myself some good spaghetti for dinner
I exchanged emails with a new friend. It's nearly bedtime

I am in a fairly cheerful mood.
A little tired.
I am very thankful to still have my mother.
A new friend of mine my age is not so lucky. It makes realize how much I appreciate what I have.

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