Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am a bit grumpy today. I may have something to do with the fact that my sleep was disturbed again today when they started working on the balcony above me at my apartment.

I woke up a little nauseated, and coughed a bit and dry heaved a bit. YUK.
I think i am fine, just the allergens that have been blowing in with the storms.

I went to work a little early. I ate a small bowl of mixed fruit. Nothing much to do other than prepare some for the next day.
Everything seems to be running fairly smoothly.

I am very irritable today. Oh well, I'll get over it.... I think.

A friend of mine called, (one that has done me quite wrong (i.e. valentines day) and I answered with a grumbling "What?" He said hello Mr. grumpy. He said he wanted to come by and get some things. I told him I didn't know when I would be around because I did have some company coming over. He said he would call.

Anyways, just an unusually boring day at work.

I guess I should be formulating how I am going to take over the world, but instead I am just ranting and raving about every day life on my blog ;)

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