Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Night Fever

Well, really I think I broke the fever early Saturday. I did come home and sleep off the crud. I went to bed very early around 7 PM. I woke up around 2 am and stayed up for only about an hour and a half or so, and went back to bed. I woke up around 8 AM. A friend called me up to see how I was doing. We chatted for a minute, and he said he was in my area and could stop by. It was nice seeing him. It hadn't been very long since I had seen him, but he had definitely gotten a bit darker.
He told me his new job required him to work outside the majority of the day. I encouraged sunblock. He agreed it would be a good idea. I didn't plan to do much this weekend at all because I really didn't feel well. A friend of mine called me out of the blue and invited me over. I was really impressed in the upgrade she made. She went from one run down stinky rent house to a fairly nice one. Things really seemed to be looking up for her. She was fighting bronchitis though. One of our mutual friends working at Hollywood Video was just told that they are going to be laying everybody off as they would be closing their doors. He wants to be looking for something now, but to continue to get the severance and the good record, he has to stick it through. It kinda sucks for him because he knows it is coming to and an end and Summer coming up with all the kids out of school and this job market, it will most certainly be a challenge to find good employment. Many of us around here have been fighting some kind of respiratory infection. Later on in the evening, another good couple of friends came by and we watched a movie named Click Staring Adam Sandler. It was a pretty good little movie. One friend left and another stayed behind for just a bit and then something very strange happened. I thought my nose was running, so I wen for some tissue. It was a nosebleed. I was suddenly feeling very strange and I guess it was just being squeeemesh or embarrassed, but I blacked out. I fell and put a nice size hole in my wall, scrapped up my shoulder and bumped my head a little. I was a little scary. I survived it though. I do intend on discussing this little incident with my physician. I am fairly confident that this wasn't a seizure. I didn't stay out long and my friend was able to wake me up out of it. I was only out for a few seconds. Still raises great concerns for me.

I want to keep my anxiety under control, but I don't want nosebleeds and seizures thats for sure!

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