Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gotta Back Blog Tuesday

I am behind on my blog. My computer equipment at home is being quite challenging.
I didn't get much rest at the beginning of the weekend, and got caught up on Sunday.
I had so much work to keep me busy on Monday that I had no time to update.
Here it is Tuesday, and I have about 10 minutes left before I close up, go home and get ready for another few hours of work.

Tomorrow should be a fairly full day. 10-5 or so. I might get close to 40 hours this week.
I have got to step it up! More hours equals more pay while I am hourly!

I am pretty much over those allergies or whatever hit me the Thursday before last.

Its about time to start hitting it hard. (the workout routine that is)

Hopefully I can piece together the events of the past few days and update this blog. It is never as accurate as making time from a computer capable of updating this thing every day, but it is better than not having entries at all. Well, I guess I am off to closing things out here.

God Bless The Earth!

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