Thursday, April 17, 2008

More to life than money!

I am fully aware that there is more to life than money.

one of the most influential men in this world had very little if any no home of his own, and minimal clothing. His name was Ghandi. wikipedia

I am also fully aware I have a burning desire acquire great amounts of wealth.
I have ideas I want to turn into "goldmines" that will put some unemployed people in the position to make an honorable living while providing me the opportunity for me to have the power to do the good I want to do in the world and to live this life comfortably.

I had a great conversation with a neighbor last night at my local country club. I told him that I had been reading some of a book written by Napoleon Hill called Think And Grow Rich. I told him that I liked some of the ideas, but that there was some of it that I was either not ready to accept wasn't going to accept at all. My new friend basically understood my objections on some of the philosophy of the book and suggested a couple of alternatives. One of which I really do want to get. This book is called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

One of my pastor's favorite scriptures was in the first chapter of this book the Power of Positive Thinking Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
I have burning desire, faith, and goals.
I am finding tools to increase it all.

The others he mentioned were by Dale Carnegie, which I know my father has a library of some of his stuff. I've got to get studying.

Faith is one thing I have been blessed with!
Is it greedy to want more? I don't think so!

I pray that I make it out of debt and to the point where I can leave a lasting legacy behind.
I have faith that I can do this.

Something hit me hard right around 2 PM. My nose started running and I started sneezing. I don't know if it was something in the air, or if I just caught some kind of bug, but it is getting me down.

I went home and went basically right to bed. I didn't have much food at the house and I wasn't really hungry anyways. I laid awake for a while, then a big storm came in as I was drifting off to sleep.

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