Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunset Thurdsay

Today is supposed to be the first Sunset Thursday concert outside at the Country Club around my apartments. I am looking forward to seeing what thats all about.

I made it to work just barely in time. I needed just a quick shot of Gas to get me going, I was almost on E but I didn't have much time. I managed to make it to the gas station, get the 1.3 gallons of gas or so for $5 and got down the road. I was only a few minutes behind when I got to work. Getting gas caused me to ride down the service road a bit longer before getting on the highway and one light had us stopped for about five minutes.

I have been handling the orders as they have been coming in. I processed the monthly summary billing reports today. I have to process the mail and do a few other things and the day will be over pretty quickly.

I hope the weather is good for the Sunset Thursday Concert. My friend may come accompany me.

I am going to go pay an 88 cent debt across the street.

The Sunset Thursday concert was pretty cool. It was a Beatles cover band. They came dressed for the part with almost replica instruments it seemed. May not have been, but definitely fit the style and added some flair to it. They seemed to bring a lot of energy to the place. I had been doing a little walking and I went to see if I could get a friend to come out and enjoy what was left of the concert. I didn't reach my friend and by the time I made it back up there the concert was over, but there was a nice group of people hanging around. I stayed for a few drinks. Probably not the best decision. When I went home I skipped my meds that can interfere with alcohol. This threw off my sleep patterns too much. It is going to cost a bit getting back on track.

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