Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!

Yes, it is FRIDAY!!!!

This has been a good week. Nothing too bad. Handled quite a few situations very diplomatically. I am getting a better grip on how to handle the exceptions around the office.

Some non-members were wanting services. I got their contact information and told them I would get back with them. Since my boss calls the shots, I called him and asked how I was supposed to handle the situation or if he could handle it for me. He handled the situation fine, but we weren't building business that way. Basically we turned two people away for basic services because they don't pay a large monthly fee to be a member.

I seemed to even handle it well when the big boss came looking for my boss. This was where clashes had begun recently. I treated the big boss with the respect he deserved, took notes on what he was looking for, called my boss and had him handle it. It went very smoothly. Before, the big boss might have just walked away angry that my boss wasn't here. Instead, things were handled very well.

Not a whole lot of work to work on, but enough to keep me from going insane from boredom.

Getting it done!

About 4 hours left of the day here, then I get to spend some quality time with my friend that is still fighting to live. He has been a bit "Zonked" lately. I can relate!

Today though, I am doing fairly well. Feel pretty together. I don't feel over-medicated or anything.

Lemmon Jelly Spacewalk plays in my headphones. Beautiful!

and its FRIDAY!!!!

My friend came over and I convinced him to go out to see a small concert at a club we frequent.
We didn't stay out too late...we were home by midnight.

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