Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday - Slept right on through the storms

I was told by various people and heard through several lines of media communication that there were some crazy storms last night. I slept right on through. I did not wake up a bit before I needed to.

Thursdays I get to work in one place for a full day. 8:30-5 minus lunch.

I got into the office at 8:29 AM. Which was great because my boss was showing up then to, I'd hate to show up late when he actually decides to show up!

I have found some things to keep myself busy while I am here. Most of it good things for work. Some has just been wasting time online for a bit for a quick game or something.

I still haven't replaced the income that I need to replace.
I am at least keeping the job that I have. I don't get too busy or stressed out here, so that is good.

The job isn't going anywhere, so at least it is stable... just no room for advancement in this mess really. Only option is my own side business, which may be the answer, or the other option is finding a real full time job. Good luck in this economy right?!

A quote used in an inaugural address by Theodore Roosevelt written by Napoleon Hill came across the fax today.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Napoleon Hill went on to write a blockbuster credited with helping more people to become millionaires than any other book - Think and Grow Rich

I try to focus on the Love and abundance of God and keep an optimistic view of my future.

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