Friday, April 18, 2008

Finally Friday

Well it is finally Friday. I am not feeling well at all. I was a few minutes late for work because I just couldn't get myself to get up and moving. I came to work and tried to keep things going, but really avoided work. I did what was required, but I didn't go seeking out more work. For lunch all I had was a smoothie from the Smoothie King.

It is cold today. The paper said it would be in the 70s, but it was 59. Tomorrow should be warmer.

My mood is probably affected somewhat by this cold or these allergies or whatever. I hope I start to feeling better soon. I have an appointment with my physician on Monday anyways, so if I am not well by then I will talk to him about it.

I don't know where I want to be. I somewhat want to be in bed, but I am tired of being in bed. I have spent too much time there. I just want to feel better soon.

If I had a paid sick day, I would have taken it today.

I tell myself to remain positive. I know this is a temporary situation and that things can get better from here.

I watched an interesting clip about Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. He owed so much in back taxes that his first two years of the show, the IRS garnished 70% of his wages. The third year though, he was caught up and receiving 100% and on his way up. He has done some generous things for some people. You never know where that next great blessing is going to come from!

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