Monday, April 14, 2008

Depressed & Lonely

This Monday I did a little exercise in the morning. I worked from noon to five so it was a short day. I went for half priced pizza night, but the Two Rows I went to was closed. I guess it was for remodeling? At any rate, I kept driving, and I had a pull to go see an old friend. The roads kept seeming to lead me to him. I went and saw him and was welcomed in, but something triggered a downward spiral of emotions in me and I was really hungry so I left for some food. I ended up paying almost $15 for some grilled salmon and broccoli. A bit outside by budget. I had hoped for a bill about half that. I found myself wanting to go back to see my friend, but the gas money and the drive and I was tired and really I needed better company. I called on a good friend and she was just getting out of work. I was in tears, I just wasn't feeling well. I had let a lot of negative emotion and thought take over me. I was so glad to have some company. We watched Employee of the Month, a great little comedy. It was so gay it was great! I pulled up out of the blues and went on.

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