Thursday, April 3, 2008

Already Thursday, Through the First Quarter?!

I find it hard to believe it is already Thursday. This week seems to have flown by. It has been a fairly good week. I was thankful for a smooth ride to work in a mess of traffic. I actually made it to work early today. I have gotten to spend quite a bit of time with friends lately. Things really have been pretty good. I seem to have a very good grasp on the task at hand on the job. I think things are going quite smoothly.

It is even harder to believe that the first Quarter of the year is gone! I haven't done anything to get my business of the ground other than lead agents on. I have gotten people interested in my services, but the business just isn't all together and functioning yet. The legal structure is weak and the funding is nonexistent it seems. My comprehension of the tax liabilities is very limited.

I am making it through though. I am building a cash pile while trying to pay more than minimums on my credit cards and eventually pay them down. My target zero date keeps moving around. I get too aggressive in paying things off and things just feel too tight, but I let off a bit and quickly start sinking further. I have had some "slip ups" and I have done pretty well in damage control.

I know that time and money are limiting me at the moment, however I also know that there is still a whole lot of potential for me to get this business off the ground.

I am glad that I have a reasonably good paying steady job where I get at least 30 hours a week on average.

In this economy, that is something to be glad about.

May the Peace of the Lord be with us all.

Miracles, Blessings, and Glory to be revealed!
I continue through my journey prayerfully.

I am thankful for the miracles I see around me like the continued progression and healing of my grandfather, WWII Veteran Silver Star Recipient who recently suffered from a series of strokes and some other related medical issues. The continued good days that my friend has that has been aggressively fighting a brain tumor and little tumors going down his spine. The chance he still has, the miracles we have seen thus far.

The fact that all the suffering in the world does not compare to the Glory to be revealed!

After work, I stopped by my friend's. This was the friend that has done me wrong and owes me all kinds of money and repeated apologies. (I am really tying hard to be Christian here and not hold to grudges) I brought over some bread from church and some of his belongings. He invited me in and we chilled out for a bit. I just couldn't stay too long though, I was just about as uncomfortable as could be. I really just wanted to drop off some of his stuff and be gone and not look back.

I still have much reconciliation to do in my life.

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