Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today is Wednesday. Mountain Man Fruit and Nut Company was supposed to be at the building across the street today. I made a mention to my boss that I wanted to go check out what they had but I didn't have much cash. My boss pulled out a smooth Jefferson and said here buddy. We went across the street and due to a scheduling conflict with the building, Mountain Man Fruit and Nut Company wasn't there. Much to my dismay. Oh well, so I saved the money I got. I accepted it as my week late thoughtless administrative assistant gift. However, my boss did find some good gourmet cooking stuff that was at the building so it wasn't a wasted trip for him. He got hungry and got some lunch as well. I just went back to work.

Things were busy last night at the grocery store last night. I wondered if it was because of the economic stimulus checks that were supposed to be reaching bank accounts by now. Everyone I mentioned that theory to said that the money hadn't hit their account yet. Maybe we were just short-handed. I really don't know. I sure was busy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gotta Back Blog Tuesday

I am behind on my blog. My computer equipment at home is being quite challenging.
I didn't get much rest at the beginning of the weekend, and got caught up on Sunday.
I had so much work to keep me busy on Monday that I had no time to update.
Here it is Tuesday, and I have about 10 minutes left before I close up, go home and get ready for another few hours of work.

Tomorrow should be a fairly full day. 10-5 or so. I might get close to 40 hours this week.
I have got to step it up! More hours equals more pay while I am hourly!

I am pretty much over those allergies or whatever hit me the Thursday before last.

Its about time to start hitting it hard. (the workout routine that is)

Hopefully I can piece together the events of the past few days and update this blog. It is never as accurate as making time from a computer capable of updating this thing every day, but it is better than not having entries at all. Well, I guess I am off to closing things out here.

God Bless The Earth!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy Monday

I was busy all this Monday. Things were a bit slow until I arrived. It was busy from the time I arrived to the last minute. I left some notes for my help to pick up where I left off. I made it home fine after work.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

Well I think this makes the third Sunday I didn't make it to church. Although it seemed like I was preaching to my friends all day. It was a bit of a day of rest for me. I finally allowed myself to slow down a bit. I think I napped on my recliner, my couch, and my bed. Not enough solid sleep though. I kept a good attitude about it all.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Party On

I did a little shopping and housework. A few friends stopped by. I was a bit wound up and scattered. Saturday, a friend of mine came over a bit late. He wasn't feeling well and I stayed up keeping an eye on him a bit while I dozed for a bit. 3 AM he finally went home and I attempted to get some sleep.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Friday

This Friday I was a bit sick still and had partied a bit too hardy after the Sunset Thursday Concert was over. It was a bit difficult getting myself out of bed and to work on time. I did a little bit of reading of the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peal while I was at work. I think I stayed fairly busy the whole day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunset Thurdsay

Today is supposed to be the first Sunset Thursday concert outside at the Country Club around my apartments. I am looking forward to seeing what thats all about.

I made it to work just barely in time. I needed just a quick shot of Gas to get me going, I was almost on E but I didn't have much time. I managed to make it to the gas station, get the 1.3 gallons of gas or so for $5 and got down the road. I was only a few minutes behind when I got to work. Getting gas caused me to ride down the service road a bit longer before getting on the highway and one light had us stopped for about five minutes.

I have been handling the orders as they have been coming in. I processed the monthly summary billing reports today. I have to process the mail and do a few other things and the day will be over pretty quickly.

I hope the weather is good for the Sunset Thursday Concert. My friend may come accompany me.

I am going to go pay an 88 cent debt across the street.

The Sunset Thursday concert was pretty cool. It was a Beatles cover band. They came dressed for the part with almost replica instruments it seemed. May not have been, but definitely fit the style and added some flair to it. They seemed to bring a lot of energy to the place. I had been doing a little walking and I went to see if I could get a friend to come out and enjoy what was left of the concert. I didn't reach my friend and by the time I made it back up there the concert was over, but there was a nice group of people hanging around. I stayed for a few drinks. Probably not the best decision. When I went home I skipped my meds that can interfere with alcohol. This threw off my sleep patterns too much. It is going to cost a bit getting back on track.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Administrative Assistant's Day

I made it to the mall just as they opened and got my little nose piece fixed on my glasses. I had gone over a week putting that chore off. I stopped by and saw the piano that John Lennon composed "Imagine" on.

Today was officially Administrative Assistants day which was formerly known as Secretaries day in 1952. It is celebrated the last full week of April and the official one day is the Wednesday of that week. I remembered to do something for my mom, who is my assistant at work. I gave her a card and a thank you note for covering for me time and time again. I also gave her a little vanilla oil jar with the little aroma diffuser reeds. I have been such a difficult manager to deal with lately, it seems it was hardly appreciated. At least I tried.

My boss was oblivious to the holiday, along with many others in this world. I remembered my boss on Boss's day. I think he may do something nice next week. Better late than never. I went up for a burger at the country club telling them that 90% of the time the burgers are outstanding, but last week wasn't the case. I told them I was willing to risk it. They wound up serving up a great burger and didn't charge me for it to make up for last week. I tipped a little extra and went on my way. There were storms coming that some people seemed to be a bit nervous about. I really wasn't that nervous about them. I just went home and went to bed. Full day of work coming up.

I got official notice of when my 10 Year High School Reunion is coming up.
I poked around some on the website and felt a bit inferior because of the immense progress so many of my peers have made in the last 10 years. Many have made it to prestigious positions in companies, some have started their own, many of them have Bachelors and some have Doctorate Degrees. I was proud of one friend who proudly posted her relationship with her female partner. I have still remained closeted and tacit! Life isn't over yet though! I feel that I am just now beginning to create the mindset to unleash my full potential.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grumpy Earth Day

I put on a happy face the best I could this Earth day, but I was grumpy the whole way through.
I don't know how to help my help help me at times.

I still have the residual affects of allergies or a cold.
Chest congestion, sinus pressure, wheezing, coughing.

Oh fun, I fell the relaxing kicking in. One hour since the dose.
Its past my bed time.

Things have got to get better. (everything is gonna get better)

G'night world!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not So Mundane Monday

I stayed up a bit too late last night . I had some company that kept me up somewhat.
Normally, I could just sleep in a bit, but I had a doctors appointment this morning. I got in my car and took a very short drive, a few feet...before I realized I was practically driving on a rim. I pulled out the old trusty air pump and aired up the tire, flew down the highway and made it to my appointment only about 15 min late. I wasn't the only one late to my appointment and evidently it caused some slow downs in the flow of the office. I sat and waited as patiently as I could, but there was the intro to a DVD repeating in a loop. It was a bit irritating and a longer than usual wait, but it really wasn't too bad. I got a refill of the drug I am on. I went to go take care of the tire. I had to air it up again to get back. The replacement tire for the one in the same place got screwed again (got a screw in the sidewall). Got it replaced for $14 again, certificate at Discount Tire. They put something better than a spare on there while they called in the right size. I was fortunate I had someone covering for me at work, cause I was about two hours late.. Well work went by fast. No time to get bored. After work I got the tire swapped out with the right size tire.

The evening hasn't been bad.
I made myself some good spaghetti for dinner
I exchanged emails with a new friend. It's nearly bedtime

I am in a fairly cheerful mood.
A little tired.
I am very thankful to still have my mother.
A new friend of mine my age is not so lucky. It makes realize how much I appreciate what I have.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday 4 20

This date has too much associated with it.
Hitler's Birthday, Columbine Shooting Anniversary, I don't know what other bad stuff...but there is another less threatening thing associated with it.

Something Bob Marley was not afraid to admit he enjoyed.
It's too bad a brain tumor took him so early.
Momma Marley recently passed away I read in the paper very recently.
My soul resonates with that man in many ways.

If growing cannabis is to be a crime then by man's laws God who made all plants was a criminal to

Happy 4 2o!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Night Fever

Well, really I think I broke the fever early Saturday. I did come home and sleep off the crud. I went to bed very early around 7 PM. I woke up around 2 am and stayed up for only about an hour and a half or so, and went back to bed. I woke up around 8 AM. A friend called me up to see how I was doing. We chatted for a minute, and he said he was in my area and could stop by. It was nice seeing him. It hadn't been very long since I had seen him, but he had definitely gotten a bit darker.
He told me his new job required him to work outside the majority of the day. I encouraged sunblock. He agreed it would be a good idea. I didn't plan to do much this weekend at all because I really didn't feel well. A friend of mine called me out of the blue and invited me over. I was really impressed in the upgrade she made. She went from one run down stinky rent house to a fairly nice one. Things really seemed to be looking up for her. She was fighting bronchitis though. One of our mutual friends working at Hollywood Video was just told that they are going to be laying everybody off as they would be closing their doors. He wants to be looking for something now, but to continue to get the severance and the good record, he has to stick it through. It kinda sucks for him because he knows it is coming to and an end and Summer coming up with all the kids out of school and this job market, it will most certainly be a challenge to find good employment. Many of us around here have been fighting some kind of respiratory infection. Later on in the evening, another good couple of friends came by and we watched a movie named Click Staring Adam Sandler. It was a pretty good little movie. One friend left and another stayed behind for just a bit and then something very strange happened. I thought my nose was running, so I wen for some tissue. It was a nosebleed. I was suddenly feeling very strange and I guess it was just being squeeemesh or embarrassed, but I blacked out. I fell and put a nice size hole in my wall, scrapped up my shoulder and bumped my head a little. I was a little scary. I survived it though. I do intend on discussing this little incident with my physician. I am fairly confident that this wasn't a seizure. I didn't stay out long and my friend was able to wake me up out of it. I was only out for a few seconds. Still raises great concerns for me.

I want to keep my anxiety under control, but I don't want nosebleeds and seizures thats for sure!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Finally Friday

Well it is finally Friday. I am not feeling well at all. I was a few minutes late for work because I just couldn't get myself to get up and moving. I came to work and tried to keep things going, but really avoided work. I did what was required, but I didn't go seeking out more work. For lunch all I had was a smoothie from the Smoothie King.

It is cold today. The paper said it would be in the 70s, but it was 59. Tomorrow should be warmer.

My mood is probably affected somewhat by this cold or these allergies or whatever. I hope I start to feeling better soon. I have an appointment with my physician on Monday anyways, so if I am not well by then I will talk to him about it.

I don't know where I want to be. I somewhat want to be in bed, but I am tired of being in bed. I have spent too much time there. I just want to feel better soon.

If I had a paid sick day, I would have taken it today.

I tell myself to remain positive. I know this is a temporary situation and that things can get better from here.

I watched an interesting clip about Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. He owed so much in back taxes that his first two years of the show, the IRS garnished 70% of his wages. The third year though, he was caught up and receiving 100% and on his way up. He has done some generous things for some people. You never know where that next great blessing is going to come from!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More to life than money!

I am fully aware that there is more to life than money.

one of the most influential men in this world had very little if any no home of his own, and minimal clothing. His name was Ghandi. wikipedia

I am also fully aware I have a burning desire acquire great amounts of wealth.
I have ideas I want to turn into "goldmines" that will put some unemployed people in the position to make an honorable living while providing me the opportunity for me to have the power to do the good I want to do in the world and to live this life comfortably.

I had a great conversation with a neighbor last night at my local country club. I told him that I had been reading some of a book written by Napoleon Hill called Think And Grow Rich. I told him that I liked some of the ideas, but that there was some of it that I was either not ready to accept wasn't going to accept at all. My new friend basically understood my objections on some of the philosophy of the book and suggested a couple of alternatives. One of which I really do want to get. This book is called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

One of my pastor's favorite scriptures was in the first chapter of this book the Power of Positive Thinking Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
I have burning desire, faith, and goals.
I am finding tools to increase it all.

The others he mentioned were by Dale Carnegie, which I know my father has a library of some of his stuff. I've got to get studying.

Faith is one thing I have been blessed with!
Is it greedy to want more? I don't think so!

I pray that I make it out of debt and to the point where I can leave a lasting legacy behind.
I have faith that I can do this.

Something hit me hard right around 2 PM. My nose started running and I started sneezing. I don't know if it was something in the air, or if I just caught some kind of bug, but it is getting me down.

I went home and went basically right to bed. I didn't have much food at the house and I wasn't really hungry anyways. I laid awake for a while, then a big storm came in as I was drifting off to sleep.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Normal Wednesday

Nothing too much going on at work. No dinner plans with anyone. I wonder what movie is playing at the country club. I called in the refill for my Klonopin that was filled originally at the wrong pharmacy. Getting that transfered wasn't easy. It was like they didn't understand what I wanted. I finally got it transfered. I had waited to pretty much the last min. My next dose is due in about five hours and I haven't picked up the prescription yet. I have an appointment to follow up with my doctor soon. I have been doing better on the anxiety. I have had some bits of blues, but reasonable blues. Things haven't been all peachy and rosy. I have quite a bit of challenges to overcome. I am thankful for the friends that I have and my family that pulls me through. I am also very thankful for the music that pulls me through. Only about seven minutes left on the clock here and I can go home. I did a good job for one of the agents here but it is hard to figure out how to charge it out. The part that is actually my job was the easy part. I spent lots of time helping him set up his report in his database and fixing the report. That part I should have been able to charge quite a bit for and keep all profit on that. I have to set things up right. This business opportunity is great, but the situation is delicate.

Tomorow, I know things are going to be very quiet around the office. The majority of the people will be at a big training seminar.

So, I guess I call it another day.

I stay plugged into God.

I beg for his spirit to flow through me and overfill me with abundant love.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day Tuesday

Well I made it to another full day of work.

I got to work a little before noon.
Things were fairly caught up when I got in to work.
Not a whole lot going on.
My mom did a very nice thing for me, she did some shopping for me. My father pitched in so I could even get more. I got a couple pairs of nice dress pants. They actually fit! I had gotten down to only one pair. It was very nice of them. (not including the ones in the closet I bought for myself in the middle of the night it Wal-mart when I couldn't try them on.. I guess I keep them in hope I will fit in them one day!)

About an hour and a half or so, I will be headed out of here. I will work a short shift at the grocery store this evening as well.

I have already sent in my tax return and from my calculations they owe me, but I will see how the IRS responds. They have surprised me before. I paid when I didn't have to and had some refunded before, I have filled electronically before only for it to be rejected with no notice to me for a year or so but supposedly I was notified immediately.

Taxes are crazy.

I work more than one job, so the I get to pay Federal Unemployment taxes that cap for each job that I work. Then, to top it off, this makes it much less likely that I would qualify for unemployment cause I have more than one job!

As a matter of fact, they are so crazy it has instilled a fear in me I haven't gotten past in starting my own business.

I read in the newspaper that people are concerned about the rising cost of gas. I also read that now someone is trying to implement a special tax on the oil companies?! How does this help reduce the cost of Gas? Shell Corporations (even the Iraqi security forces) are funneling monies through the Cayman islands to get around paying taxes.

Taxes on the gas for the construction and maintenance of roads, more and more Toll Roads popping up.

Every time a vehicle changes hands, sales tax again!

Then that good old registration tax.

I wonder how many vehicles have passed hands enough times for the government to get 100% sales tax on it. I bet it has happened a time or two!

I am a dreamer! I am warning you people!!!! I am NOT just your average working class citizen!

I am not going to be complacent and content with this crap. My voice will be heard. (but that's about it ;) ) Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to reach out a little more.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Depressed & Lonely

This Monday I did a little exercise in the morning. I worked from noon to five so it was a short day. I went for half priced pizza night, but the Two Rows I went to was closed. I guess it was for remodeling? At any rate, I kept driving, and I had a pull to go see an old friend. The roads kept seeming to lead me to him. I went and saw him and was welcomed in, but something triggered a downward spiral of emotions in me and I was really hungry so I left for some food. I ended up paying almost $15 for some grilled salmon and broccoli. A bit outside by budget. I had hoped for a bill about half that. I found myself wanting to go back to see my friend, but the gas money and the drive and I was tired and really I needed better company. I called on a good friend and she was just getting out of work. I was in tears, I just wasn't feeling well. I had let a lot of negative emotion and thought take over me. I was so glad to have some company. We watched Employee of the Month, a great little comedy. It was so gay it was great! I pulled up out of the blues and went on.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Made it to church on time.

I don't recall doing much this Sunday. I do recall that i did make it to church. I was dressed casually, which is a bit unusual for me. I also went by the Dollar Tree store and picked up one item. I went to the Pet Co (one I had worked at for a short while) to pick up a bag of seeds for my Cockatiel. They wanted nearly $10 for that bag of food, but I paid gladly because Strider is so cool and worth every penny, though if I find a cheaper way to be buying it I will!

I think I did a little chatting online though my funky old systems at home.
It was chilly outside.

I clipped a few coupons, but wasn't impressed with what I found.

Maybe more will come back to me. Memories too foggy at the moment.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well we made it to another Friday.

I am getting the job done, got here on time, working working.

Not much to do at the moment, frustrated with outlook's problem with the remembering passwords thing. I thought I had fought and won the battle. I have tried so many different fixes.
I wonder if I would have as many problems with a new computer.....probably so, just a different set of problems. Looks like the registry is a bit corrupt.

I heard some music from an album called Reaching released years back by Phillip Laure and his sister. Some good stuff I hadn't run across yet. I also found Phillip's myspace page

Melancholy days.

The love of God flowing through music is the thing pulling me through.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday - Slept right on through the storms

I was told by various people and heard through several lines of media communication that there were some crazy storms last night. I slept right on through. I did not wake up a bit before I needed to.

Thursdays I get to work in one place for a full day. 8:30-5 minus lunch.

I got into the office at 8:29 AM. Which was great because my boss was showing up then to, I'd hate to show up late when he actually decides to show up!

I have found some things to keep myself busy while I am here. Most of it good things for work. Some has just been wasting time online for a bit for a quick game or something.

I still haven't replaced the income that I need to replace.
I am at least keeping the job that I have. I don't get too busy or stressed out here, so that is good.

The job isn't going anywhere, so at least it is stable... just no room for advancement in this mess really. Only option is my own side business, which may be the answer, or the other option is finding a real full time job. Good luck in this economy right?!

A quote used in an inaugural address by Theodore Roosevelt written by Napoleon Hill came across the fax today.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Napoleon Hill went on to write a blockbuster credited with helping more people to become millionaires than any other book - Think and Grow Rich

I try to focus on the Love and abundance of God and keep an optimistic view of my future.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Beautiful Day

Today is a very beautiful day to me.

I exercised quite a bit this morning. I didn't even call my assistant to see how things were going at work. I showed up a little early and had a bite to eat before I got started. I helped one of the new agents and had a great conversation with her. Kept myself pretty busy the entire time. I only have about 45 minutes to go before I can go home.

I got some personal business taken care of. (car insurance paid on one credit card, paid the payment on that credit card) I am still behind financially. I am trying to get those things together, but I think it still has potential to happen. I am trying to do something very difficult. I am building a cash pile while still keeping my bills paid and lowering my debt. I am keeping a part time job while trying to start my own business.

I a quarter below where I should be on income level for this year to date.

I won't let it get me down though. I am still making progress. And there is huge potential to make exponential progress in the near future!

I am reminded of a U2 song. Beautiful Day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Totally Tuesday

Tuesdays are my long days.

I got up early, exercised a bit, went to work around noon. I found some things to keep me busy. Got off work at 5.
Made it to the second job by 6:30.
Worked until 9:40.

Came home and chilled out.
Slept very well.

In its totality, it was a very good day.

Even making some new friends online!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mundane Monday

This Monday I got a pretty early start. I even got a little exercise in before work. Crunches, jumping jacks, push ups. I have a long ways to go though!

Made it to work on time. Found some things to do to keep myself busy. Sent everyone around the office birthday e-cards for this month.

Not much going on around here today. I will be preparing for mailings tomorrow. Less than an hour and a half before I head home.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Today was somewhat of a dull day. Another lazy day. I woke up fairly early. I stayed up, went to church.. and went home. Church was different because the pastor(s) had recently attended an intense 3 day seminar on worship and the arts and ended up not having time to really prepare for a good sermon. They shared their experience with us and related it to the part of the scripture we were studying. When I got home, I was back asleep again for a bit in very little time. Then I got up again and went to the store and loaded up on cleaning supplies and soap and a bit of food. I got online and looked around and played some games.

Just a Lazy Sunday.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lazy Saturday

I honestly don't know much of what happened on this day. I woke up to my friend talking to me like I was awake. He left early that day. I had passed out before I could even make a decent place to sleep in. When my friend left, I made my bed...sat in it and the next thing I knew It was 7 PM.

Wow! TOO MUCH SLEEP. I got up for a bit longer, did a little house chores and then around 10 PM I took my pill..... not much longer it was 7 AM! Sunday

Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!

Yes, it is FRIDAY!!!!

This has been a good week. Nothing too bad. Handled quite a few situations very diplomatically. I am getting a better grip on how to handle the exceptions around the office.

Some non-members were wanting services. I got their contact information and told them I would get back with them. Since my boss calls the shots, I called him and asked how I was supposed to handle the situation or if he could handle it for me. He handled the situation fine, but we weren't building business that way. Basically we turned two people away for basic services because they don't pay a large monthly fee to be a member.

I seemed to even handle it well when the big boss came looking for my boss. This was where clashes had begun recently. I treated the big boss with the respect he deserved, took notes on what he was looking for, called my boss and had him handle it. It went very smoothly. Before, the big boss might have just walked away angry that my boss wasn't here. Instead, things were handled very well.

Not a whole lot of work to work on, but enough to keep me from going insane from boredom.

Getting it done!

About 4 hours left of the day here, then I get to spend some quality time with my friend that is still fighting to live. He has been a bit "Zonked" lately. I can relate!

Today though, I am doing fairly well. Feel pretty together. I don't feel over-medicated or anything.

Lemmon Jelly Spacewalk plays in my headphones. Beautiful!

and its FRIDAY!!!!

My friend came over and I convinced him to go out to see a small concert at a club we frequent.
We didn't stay out too late...we were home by midnight.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Already Thursday, Through the First Quarter?!

I find it hard to believe it is already Thursday. This week seems to have flown by. It has been a fairly good week. I was thankful for a smooth ride to work in a mess of traffic. I actually made it to work early today. I have gotten to spend quite a bit of time with friends lately. Things really have been pretty good. I seem to have a very good grasp on the task at hand on the job. I think things are going quite smoothly.

It is even harder to believe that the first Quarter of the year is gone! I haven't done anything to get my business of the ground other than lead agents on. I have gotten people interested in my services, but the business just isn't all together and functioning yet. The legal structure is weak and the funding is nonexistent it seems. My comprehension of the tax liabilities is very limited.

I am making it through though. I am building a cash pile while trying to pay more than minimums on my credit cards and eventually pay them down. My target zero date keeps moving around. I get too aggressive in paying things off and things just feel too tight, but I let off a bit and quickly start sinking further. I have had some "slip ups" and I have done pretty well in damage control.

I know that time and money are limiting me at the moment, however I also know that there is still a whole lot of potential for me to get this business off the ground.

I am glad that I have a reasonably good paying steady job where I get at least 30 hours a week on average.

In this economy, that is something to be glad about.

May the Peace of the Lord be with us all.

Miracles, Blessings, and Glory to be revealed!
I continue through my journey prayerfully.

I am thankful for the miracles I see around me like the continued progression and healing of my grandfather, WWII Veteran Silver Star Recipient who recently suffered from a series of strokes and some other related medical issues. The continued good days that my friend has that has been aggressively fighting a brain tumor and little tumors going down his spine. The chance he still has, the miracles we have seen thus far.

The fact that all the suffering in the world does not compare to the Glory to be revealed!

After work, I stopped by my friend's. This was the friend that has done me wrong and owes me all kinds of money and repeated apologies. (I am really tying hard to be Christian here and not hold to grudges) I brought over some bread from church and some of his belongings. He invited me in and we chilled out for a bit. I just couldn't stay too long though, I was just about as uncomfortable as could be. I really just wanted to drop off some of his stuff and be gone and not look back.

I still have much reconciliation to do in my life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am a bit grumpy today. I may have something to do with the fact that my sleep was disturbed again today when they started working on the balcony above me at my apartment.

I woke up a little nauseated, and coughed a bit and dry heaved a bit. YUK.
I think i am fine, just the allergens that have been blowing in with the storms.

I went to work a little early. I ate a small bowl of mixed fruit. Nothing much to do other than prepare some for the next day.
Everything seems to be running fairly smoothly.

I am very irritable today. Oh well, I'll get over it.... I think.

A friend of mine called, (one that has done me quite wrong (i.e. valentines day) and I answered with a grumbling "What?" He said hello Mr. grumpy. He said he wanted to come by and get some things. I told him I didn't know when I would be around because I did have some company coming over. He said he would call.

Anyways, just an unusually boring day at work.

I guess I should be formulating how I am going to take over the world, but instead I am just ranting and raving about every day life on my blog ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Long Tuesday

Someone once said that April fools day is a day to remind us of how gullible we are the rest of the 364 days of the year.

Many hours left in the day, but haven't been gotten good yet.

Today is a bit of a slow day, but I am getting things done.
I got a little exercise in this morning.

The tweaks I made on the office computer seem to be doing well.
We seem to be pretty caught up at the office.

No major catastrophes or anything.
A little boring, but I can accept that.

I am working this evening for a few hours as well.

Another month, and I have enough cash to write a check for my rent, so that is good.

Hey, and I may even have a tax refund coming. Won't that be great?!