Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tense Tuesday

This Tuesday, I woke up in quite a bit of pain.

My right shoulder was hurting quite a bit(T4 in my neck actually and a line of pain extending from it).
My muscles were tight and my body unbearably stiff.
I soaked in a hot tub of water for about an hour trying to get moving to where I could turn my head enough to be able see to drive. I took an aspirin and a Tylenol and my regular dose of Klonopin. I relaxed myself to the point I fell asleep for a couple of hours.

I woke up surprised that I had fallen asleep so long and ate a quick salad before I ran out the door to work running a few minutes behind.

I calculated how much getting some time off is for the Fourth of July weekend is going to cost me in lost hours. It came up to about $150. Arg! Why did it have to fall on a Friday this year?! Oh well. I am sure everything is in divine order.

I am beginning to wonder how well aligned I am with that order though.

I will be switching hats in a few hours and getting on the check stands.
I will probably be in a meditative state at work taking the best care of my body as possible while working on the check stands.

I begin to relax.

I re-affirm that my every need is being met.
I have enough food to eat to survive. I have a relatively safe place to sleep at night. I have a way to get to and from work. My brain still functions pretty well. I have all my fingers and all my toes. I have family. I serve a Living Loving God.
God is my strength and my salvation.

What is there to be tense about?

I pray for peace and relaxation to fill my body and overflow to those around me.

God Bless the Earth!

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