Wednesday, July 16, 2008

From down in the dumps to jumping for joy

I woke up this morning down in the dumps depressed.

I have so much I am trying to overcome, and I know I am not alone.

Rising gas prices and rising diesel fuel prices fueling rising grocery prices, the rise of restaurant food prices, and my personal loss of income had me down.

I was looking forward to going to my 10 year high school reunion with a friend I have known since the fourth grade, but she started to back out because she didn't know what she was going to wear. It all turned out to be a miscommunication because the dress code for the formal reunion is semi formal, and when I begged and pleaded she agreed that she would go. I am so happy about that. That has made my day.

I am looking forward to re-connecting with a bunch of people I saw around the halls in high school. Perhaps getting to know some of the people I never got to know. I am extremely grateful that I won't be going alone.

This really made my day!

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