Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Opportunity Knocks

Today before work, I got to talking to a friend who owns his own company.

He runs a recruiting business for medical doctors.

He has offered to let me sit in and watch and listen in on the phone on how he runs his business. There are some possible commissions that I could earn in this eventually.

At the moment, I see it as the best opportunity that has presented itself to make up some lost income that won't interfere much with what I have going on right now.

The business is in the same building where I work 30 hours a week.

I just might show up 9 AM Monday, or start staying up here later burning up the phones.

This opportunity sounds good. Not only will I be helping myself, I can help get his business back to where it was before things hit the fan for him.

I truly think this can be a golden opportunity, one with true payoff for all people involved.

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