Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lazy Saturday with an intersting suprise

I didn't to much this Saturday.

I woke up fairly early, but I laid around a bit.

I finally got up and gave my friend a ride to the drive through so he could get some food. His parents came and picked him up fairly early that afternoon.

A friend came over and we talked a bit. I tried to help with transferring over his library of music in his I tunes software. I worked on some laundry and a bit of house cleaning.

Hours passed pretty quickly. Later on a friend of mine called me up and asked what I was up to.

I told him I wasn't doing much really, just hanging around.

He said he might stop by. Then he called me and told me he didn't have any money to do anything. I talked him into going out anyways. He came over and we hung out a bit, then we walked up to the country club. We talked with some neighbors there and left just after happy hour. As I we were walking down the street I live on at approximately 11:30 PM, we were close to my door...we passed a couple of guys. One of the guys turned around and revealed a gun, stuck it in my friend's back and said "give us all your $hi┬"

I was caught off guard. I was wearing cargo shorts, so I couldn't even find my beat up cell phone to offer to him or the keys to my totaled vehicle..(which I have theft insurance on)..My friend said, "I don't have anything and if I did I'd give it to you" which was the truth because he almost didn't come out because he had nothing in his account to come out with. He had spent what he had. I started backing away and getting to a safe distance, but I noticed my friend was still standing very close to the two guys. I tried to get my friend to duck inside the apartment complex with me... The guys walked away knowing they chose the wrong guys to pull that on....I walked straight towards the security for my apartment (and away from the guys) and informed them of what just happened while the guys were still in line of sight.

Here is the surprise:
Nobody got hurt, I didn't loose anything, and two suspects were apprehended!

Wow, I got to live to tell about it!

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