Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Movie Night at the country club: 21

Tonight was movie night at the country club.

I took advantage of the burger special in the past, but prices have gone up across the board. I had dinner before I went up there so I wouldn't be spending any money.
I walked up to the country club and sat out by the pool for a few minutes just relaxing a bit.

After that, I went inside and found a place and sat down and watched 21. My eyes didn't deviate from the screen really. I watched the entire movie didn't say a word to anyone, except the two that spoke to me. The movie was interesting. It was based on a true story. I took from it a few things. In this life you can generally achieve what you put your mind to, you can earn thousands and have it stolen from you more than once, and you can find other ways of reaching your dreams when your plan has fallen through more than once.

The movie left me a bit frustrated I guess because it is so close to the truth. In this life you can have it all for a short while, loose it all in a very short while, and you can earn it all again to loose it again. But the irony is that things have a way of working out.

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